李滋泰 - 特聘教授兼畜產試驗場場長
李滋泰 特聘教授兼畜產試驗場場長
星期一10:00~12:00、星期三 10:00~12:00、星期五10:00~12:00





服務機構 服務部門/系所 職稱 起訖年月(西元年/月)
現職: 動物科學系


自2022 / 02至今
國立中興大學 動物科學系 特聘教授 自2020 / 08至今
國立中興大學 動物科學系 教授 自2018 / 08至今
國立中興大學 農業暨自然資源學院農業企業經營管理碩士在職專班
合聘暨推廣教授 自2019 / 08至今
國立中興大學 動物科學系 副教授 自2015 / 08至2018 / 07
國立中興大學 動物科學系 助理教授 自2013 / 08至2015 / 07
理事 自2022 / 02至今
中國畜牧學會 中國畜牧學會 理事 自2020 / 02至今
中華民國飼料檢驗學會 中華民國飼料檢驗學會 常務理事 自2020 / 03至今
火雞協會 火雞協會 現場查核暨輔導委員 自2016 / 01至今
養鴨協會 養鴨協會 現場查核暨輔導委員 自2015 / 04至今
中華民國優良廠商協會 產學合作及評鑑委員會 指導顧問暨評鑑委員 自2012 / 03至2013 / 12
經濟部 事業廢棄物管理處 審查委員 自2009 / 02至今
明道大學 生物科技學系 副教授 自2012 / 08至2013 / 07
明道大學 實驗動物管理委員會 召集人 自2008 / 02至2013 / 07
明道大學 生物科技學系 助理教授 自2007 / 09至2012 / 07
金穎生物科技公司 研發部 研發主管 自2007 / 07至2007 / 09
Nancy University
Hospital, France
Laboratoire de Médecine et
Research visitor 自2005 / 06至2006 / 05
  1. Lin, M. J. , S. C. Chang, L. J. Lin, S. Y. Peng and T. T. Lee*. 2024. Effect of laying parity and sex ratio on reproduction performance and biochemical parameters of White Roman geese kept in an environmentally controlled house. Br. Poult. Sci. (Corresponding author) (accepted) (SCI)
  2. Li, Y. C., Y. H. Chen, S. C. Chang, M. J. Lin, L. J. Lin and T. T. Lee*. 2024. Effect of specific sound frequency on production performance, egg quality and physiological characteristics of laying hens. Ital. J. Anim. Sci. (accepted) (SCI) 17.36%
  3. Chueh, C. C., L. J. Lin, W. S. Chung and T. T. Lee*. 2024. Effects of the fruits on antioxidant capacity and modulation of ARE associated gene in mice. Fruits. (Corresponding author) (accepted) (SCI)
  4. Chang, S. C., C. M. Wang, J. S. Chang, L. J. Lin, M. J. Lin, S. Y. Peng and T. T. Lee*. 2024. Effects of Antrodia cinnamomea solid culture mycelium by-products on growth performance and immune response in weaning black piglets. Anim. Sci. J. (accepted) (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  5. Lee, T. T.*, H. T. Zheng, C. H. Shih, S. C. Chang, and L. J. Lin. 2023. Effects of Phyllanthus emblica leaves and branches mixture on growth performance, oxidative status and intestinal characteristics in broiler chickens. Ital. J. Anim. Sci. (accepted) (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  6. Lin, M. J. , S. C. Chang, L. J. Lin, S. Y. Peng and T. T. Lee*. 2023. Effect of the age and sex on growth performance and feather quality of 13 to 25-weeks-old White Roman geese. Poultry Science. 102(10):102941. doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2023.102941. (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  7. Chang, S. C., M. J. Lin, L. J. Lin, J. W. Liao and T. T. Lee*. 2023. Effects of angel wings on morphological and histological characteristics of White Roman geese. Poultry Science. 102:102389 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psj.2022.102389 (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  8. Chang, S. C., M. J. Lin, L. J. Lin, S. Y. Peng and T. T. Lee*. 2023. Relationship between the abdominal sagging index and the reproductive performance of the White Roman Goose. Anim. Biosci. 36(04):584-590. (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  9. Liu, C. L., Y. R. Shih, P. C. Tang, L. J. Lin, and T. T. Lee*. 2022. Effects of dietary supplementation with Bacillus spp. and Debaryomyces spp. on broiler’s growth performance, serum characteristics, intestinal microflora, and antioxidant activity. Ital. J. Anim. Sci. 21(1): 717-728. doi: 10.1080/1828051X.2022.2059022  (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  10. Tsai, C. F., L. J. Lin, C. H. Wang, C. S. Tsai, S. C. Chang, and T. T. Lee*. 2022. Effects of fermented soybean meal by Bacillus velezensis, Lactobacillus spp. or their combination on broiler performance, gut antioxidant activity and microflora. Anim. Biosci. 35(12):1892-1903. (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  11. Fan G. J., M. H. Chen, C. F. Lee, B. Yu* and T. T. Lee*. 2022. Effects of rice straw fermented with spent Pleurotus sajor-caju mushroom substrates on milking performance in Alpine dairy goats. Anim. Biosci. 35(7):999-1009. doi: 10.5713/ab.21.0340 (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  12. Lee, T. T., C. H. Chou, C. L. Wang, H. Y. Lu, and W. Y. Yang. 2022. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Saccharomyces cerevisiae feed supplements improve growth performance and gut mucosal architecture with modulations on cecal microbiota in red-feathered native chickens. Anim. Biosci. 35(6):869-883. doi: 10.5713/ab.21.0318. (SCI)
  13. Tsai C. F., L. J. Lin, C. H. Wang, C. S. Tsai, S. C. Chang, and T. T. Lee*. 2021. Assessment of intestinal immunity and permeability of broilers on partial replacement diets of two-stage fermented soybean meal by Bacillus velezensis and Lactobacillus brevis ATCC 367. Animals.  11(8): 2336. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11082336 (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  14. Chuang, W. Y., L. J. Lin, H. D. Shih, Y. M. Shy, S. C. Chang and T. T. Lee*. 2021. Intestinal microbiota, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidative status of broiler fed mushroom wastes compost byproducts. Animals. 11(8): 2550. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11092550 (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  15. Chuang, W. Y., L. J. Lin, H. D. Shih, Y. M. Shy, S. C. Chang and T. T. Lee*. 2021. The potential utilization of high-fiber agricultural by-products as monogastric animal feed additives: A review. Animals. 11(7): 2098 (Corresponding author) (SCI) (review article)
  16. Lin, W. C., and T. T. Lee*. 2021. The Laetiporus sulphureus fermented product enhanced the antioxidant status, intestinal tight junction, and morphology of broiler chickens. Animals. 11(1):149. DOI:10.3390/ani11010149 (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  17. Huang C. M., W. Y. Chuang, W. C. Lin, L. J. Lin, S. C. Chang and T. T. Lee*. 2021.  Production performances and antioxidant activities of laying hens fed Aspergillus oryzae and phytase co-fermented wheat bran. Anim. Biosci. 34(3): 371-384. doi: 10.5713/ajas.20.0116. (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  18. Chuang, W. Y., Y. C. Hsieh, L. J. Lin, S. C. Chang and T. T. Lee*. 2021. Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and phytase co-fermentation of wheat bran on growth, antioxidation, immunity and intestinal morphology in broilers. Anim. Biosci. 34(7): 1157-1168. doi: 10.5713/ajas.20.0399. (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  19. Chen, Y. C., W. C. Lin, W. Y. Chuang, M. H. Chen, S. C. Chang and T. T. Lee*. 2021. Effects of mushroom waster medium and stalk residues on the growth performance and oxidative status in broilers. Anim. Biosci. 34: 265-275.doi:10.5713/ajas.19.0889 (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  20. Chen, L. W., W. Y. Chuang, Y. C. Hsieh, H. H. Lin, W. C. Lin, L. J. Lin, S. C. Chang and T. T. Lee*. 2021. Effects of dietary supplementation with Taiwanese tea byproducts and probiotics on growth performance, lipid metabolism, and the immune response in red feather native chickens. Anim. Biosci. 34(3): 393-404. doi: 10.5713/ajas.20.0223. (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  21. Fan G. J., B. L. Shih, H. C. Lin, T. T. Lee, C. F. Lee, and Y. F. Lin. 2021. Effect of dietary supplementation of Sargassum meal on laying performance and egg quality of Leghorn layers Anim. Biosci. 34(3): 449-456. doi: 10.5713/ajas.20.0256. (SCI)
  22. 蔡佳芬、張智翔、蔡清松、李滋泰。2021。機能性二階段發酵大豆粕對保育仔豬生長性狀與血清抗氧化及免疫調節之影響。中畜會誌。50(3):263-275.
  23. Lin, W. C., and T. T. Lee*. 2020. Effects of Laetiporus sulphureus-fermented wheat bran on growth performance, intestinal microbiota and digesta characteristics in broiler chickens. Animals. 10(9), 1457. doi.org/10.3390/ani10091457 (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  24. Lin, W. C., and T. T. Lee*. 2020. Laetiporus sulphureus-fermented wheat bran enhanced the broiler growth performance by improving the intestinal microflora and inflammation status. Poultry Science. 99: 3606-3616. (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  25. Chuang, W. Y., Y. C. Hsieh, L. W. Chen and T. T. Lee*. 2020. Evaluation of the relationship between adipose metabolism patterns and secretion of appetite-related endocrines on chicken Animals. 10(8):1282. doi: 10.3390/ani10081282. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (review article)
  26. Chuang, W. Y., H. D. Shih, Y. M. Shy, S. C. Chang and T. T. Lee*. 2020. Evaluation of mushroom waste compost on broiler body composition, nutrient absorption, and adipose metabolism. Ital. J. Anim. Sci. 19: 940-950. doi: 10.1080/1828051X.2020.1808861. (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  27. Lee, K. C., K. T. Hsieh, R. B. Chen, W. C. Lin, C. S. Wang, T. T. Lee* and L. J. Chen. 2020. Expression and characterization of rice-produced recombinant porcine lactoferrin and its antioxidant activities. The Open Biotechnology Journal. 14: 94-106. (Corresponding author)
  28. Chuang, W. Y., Y. C. Hsieh and T. T. Lee*. 2020. The effects of fungal feed additives in animals: a review. Animals. 10(5): 805. doi: 10.3390/ani10050805 (Corresponding author) (SCI) (review article)
  29. Chuang,W. Y., C. L. Liu, C. F. Tsai, W. C. Lin, S. C. Chang, H. D. Shih, Y. M. Shy and T. T. Lee*. 2020. Evaluation of waste mushroom compost as a feed supplement and its effects on the on fat metabolism and antioxidant capacity of broilers. Animals. 10(3): 445. doi: 10.3390/ani10030445 (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  30. Ciou, J. Y., L. S. Hsieh, T. T. Lee and C. W. Hsieh. 2020. Enhancement of agricultural processed by-products: Qualities analysis of fermentation method in gradient salt adding treatment of tuna cooking juice with black bean koji added. Foods.  9(3): 320. doi: 10.3390/foods9030320 (SCI)
  31. Su, B. W., W. C. Lin, L. J. Lin, C. M. Huang, W. Y. Chuang, D. J. Wu, C. H. Shih, and T. T. Lee*. 2020. Laying diet supplementation with Ricinus communis L. leaves to laying diet and evaluating of productive performance and potential modulation of antioxidative status. The Journal of Poultry Science. 57(4):259-269. (Corresponding author) (SCI) https://doi.org/10.2141/jpsa.0190077
  32. Lin, M. J., T. J. Chen, S. C. Chang, W. C. Lin, S. Y. Peng* and T. T. Lee*. 2020. Effect of lines and floor type on growth performance and feather characterization during the growth period of White Roman geese. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 9:1455-1462. (Corresponding author) (SCI) DOI: https://doi.org/10.5713/ajas.19.0663
  33. Chang, C. H., P. Y. Teng, T. T. Lee* and B. Yu*. 2020. Effects of multi-strain probiotic supplementation on intestinal microbiota, tight junctions, and inflammation in young broiler chickens challenged with Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 33(11):1797-1808. (Corresponding author) (SCI) DOI: https://doi.org/10.5713/ajas.19.0427
  34. Lee, M. T., W. C. Lin, L. J. Lin, S. Y. Wang, S. C. Chang and T. T. Lee*. 2020. Effects of dietary Antrodia cinnamomea fermented product supplementation on antioxidation, anti-inflammation, and lipid metabolism in broiler chickens. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 33(7):1113-1125. (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  35. Lee, M. T., W. C. Lin, L. J. Lin, S. Y. Wang, S. C. Chang and T. T. Lee*. 2020. Effects of dietary Antrodia cinnamomea fermented product supplementation on metabolism pathways of antioxidant, inflammatory, and lipid metabolism pathways-a potential crosstalk. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 33(7):1167-1179. (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  36. Chuang,W. Y., W. C. Lin, Y. C. Hsieh, C. M. Huang, S. C. Chang and T. T. Lee*. 2019. Evaluation of the combined used of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Aspergillus oryzae with phytase fermentation products on growth, inflammatory, and intestinal morphology in broilers. Animals. 9(12):1051. doi.org/10.3390/ani9121051 (Corresponding author) (SCI)  
  37. Chueh, C. C., L. J. Lin, W. C. Lin, S. H. Huang, M. S. Jan, S. C. Chang, W. S. Chung and T. T. Lee*. 2019. Antioxidant capacity of banana peel and its modulation of Nrf2-ARE associated gene expression in broiler chickens. Ital. J. Anim. Sci. 18: 1394-1403. (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  38. Lin, W. C., M. T. Lee, L. J. Lin, S. C. Chang and T. T. Lee*. 2019. Immunomodulation properties of solid-state fermented Laetiporus sulphureus ethanol extracts in chicken peripheral blood monocytes in vitro. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science. 21: 1-10. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (被引用3次,2022/03/02)
  39. Lee, M. T., W. C. Lin and T. T. Lee*. 2019. Potential crosstalk of oxidative stress and immune response in poultry through phytochemicals — A review. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 32(3): 309-319. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (review article)
  40.  Chang, C. H., P. Y. Teng, T. T. Lee* and B. Yu*. 2019. The effects of the supplementation of multi-strain probiotics on intestinal microbiota, metabolites and inflammation of young SPF chickens challenged with Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica. Anim. Sci. J. 90: 737-746.  (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  41.  Chang, C. H., P. Y. Teng, T. T. Lee* and B. Yu*. 2019. Effects of multi-strain probiotics combined with Gardeniae fructus on intestinal bacterial microbiota in broilers. J. Poult. Sci. 56: 32-43. (Corresponding author) (SCI)
  42. Pan, Y. G., W. C. Lin, C. T. Lo, S. C. Chang, B. Yu and T. T. Lee*. 2018. Effects of substitution of Bermuda grass hay with Trichoderma fermented rice straw on growth, blood and rumen fluid parameters in Barbados sheep. J. Appl. Anim. Res. 46: 1162-1168. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (被引用5次,2022/03/02)
  43. Lee, M. T., W. C. Lin, S. Y. Wang, L. J. Lin, B. Yu and T. T. Lee*. 2018. Evaluation of potential antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of Antrodia cinnamomea powder and the underlying molecular mechanisms via Nrf2- and NF-κB-dominated pathways in broiler chickens. Poult. Sci. 97: 2419-2434. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (被引用19次,2022/03/02)
  44. Huang, C. M. and T. T. Lee*. 2018. Immunomodulatory effects of phytogenics in chickens and pigs. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 31:617-627. (review article) (Corresponding author) (SCI) (被引用42次,2022/03/02)
  45. Lin, M. J., S. C. Chang, M. T. Lee, Y. T. Tien, J. W. Liao and T. T. Lee*. 2018. Effects of White Roman gosling quality on their growth parameters, intestinal villus morphology, blood biochemistry and non-specific pathological lesions. R. Bras. Zootec.  (Brazilian Journal of Animal Science) 47:e20170017. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (被引用1次,2022/03/02)
  46. Lin, W. C., M. T. Lee, C. T. Lo, S. C. Chang and T. T. Lee*. 2018. Effects of dietary supplementation of Trichoderma pseudokoningii fermented enzyme powder on growth performance, intestinal morphology, microflora and serum antioxidantive status in broiler chickens. Ital. J. Anim. Sci. 17: 153-164. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (被引用11次,2022/03/02)
  47. 施玉仁、張哲綸、張齊桓、 李滋泰*2018評估以黑水虻腸道分離之芽孢桿菌於體外特性分析之研究。中畜會誌。47(4):291-304.
  48. Lee, M. T., L. P. Lai, W. C. Lin, J. Y. Ciou, S. C. Chang, B. Yu and T. T. Lee*. 2017. Improving nutrition utilization and meat quality of broiler chickens through solid-state fermentation of agricultural by-products by Aureobasidium pullulans. Rev. Bras. Cienc. Avic. (Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science) 19: 645-654. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (被引用8次,2022/03/02)
  49. Wang, C. C., L. J. Lin, Y. P. Chao, C. J. Chiang, M. T. Lee, S. C. Chang, B. Yu and T. T. Lee*. 2017. Antioxidant molecular targets of wheat bran fermented by white rot fungi and its potential modulation of antioxidative status in broiler chicken. Br. Poult. Sci. 58(3):262-271. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (被引用20次,2022/03/02)
  50. Lin, W. C., M. T. Lee, Y. L. Chang, C. H. Shih, S. C. Chang, B. Yu and T. T. Lee*. 2017. Effects of mulberry leaves on production performance and the potential modulation of antioxidative status in laying hens. Poult. Sci. 96(5):1191-1203. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (被引用43次,2022/03/02)
  51. Teng, P. Y., C. L. Chang, C. M. Huang, S. C. Chang and T. T. Lee*. 2017. Effects of solid-state fermented wheat bran by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Saccharomyces cerevisiae on growth performance and intestinal microbiota in broiler chickens. Ital. J. Anim. Sci. 16: 552-562. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (被引用21次,2022/03/02)
  52. Lin, M. J., S. C. Chang, K. H. Tso, W. C. Lin, C. L. Chang and T. T. Lee*. 2017. Effect of T-2 toxin and antioxidants on angel wing incidence and severity in White Roman geese. J. Appl. Anim. Res. 46: 340-348. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (被引用5次,2022/03/02)
  53. Lee, M. T., W. C. Lin, B. Yu and T. T. Lee*. 2017. Antioxidant capacity of phytochemicals and their potential effects on oxidative status in animals - A review. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 30: 299-308. (Corresponding author) (review article) (被引用174次,2022/03/02)
  54. Teng, P. Y., C. H. Chung, Y. P. Chao, C. J. Chiang, S. C. Chang, B. Yu and T. T. Lee*. 2017. Administration of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as direct-fed microbials improves intestinal microflora and morphology in broiler chickens. J. Poult. Sci. 54: 134-141. (Corresponding author) (被引用12次,2022/03/02)
  55. Chu, Y. T., C. T. Lo, S. C. Chang and T. T. Lee*. 2017. Effects of Trichoderma fermented wheat bran on growth performance, intestinal morphology and histological findings in broiler chickens. Ital. J. Anim. Sci. 16: 82-92. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (被引用23次,2022/03/02)
  56. Chang, S. C., M. J. Lin, Y. K. Fan and T. T. Lee*. 2016. Effects of lighting intensity on growth and reproductive performance of breeder geese. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 25: 315-321. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (被引用19次,2022/03/02)
  57.  Chang, S. C., H. I. Chiang, M. J. Lin, Y. S. Jea, L. R. Chen, Y. K. Fan and T. T. Lee*. 2016. Effects of short light regimes and lower dietary protein content on the reproductive performance of White Roman geese in an environment-controlled house. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 170: 141-148. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (IF=1.605) (被引用4次,2022/03/02)
  58. Wang, C. C., C. H. Chang, S. C. Chang, G. J. Fan, M. J. Lin, B. Yu and T. T. Lee*. 2016. In vitro free radicals scavenging activity and antioxidant capacity of solid-state fermented wheat bran and its potential modulation of antioxidative molecular targets in chicken PBMC. R. Bras. Zootec.  (Brazilian Journal of Animal Science) 45:451-457. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (被引用4次,2022/03/02)
  59. Chang, S. C., M. J. Lin, Y. P. Chao, C. J. Chiang, Y. S. Jea and T. T. Lee*. 2016. Effects of spent mushroom compost meal on growth performance and meat characteristics of grower geese. R. Bras. Zootec.  (Brazilian Journal of Animal Science) 45:281-287. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (被引用13次,2022/03/02)
  60. Chang, S. C., M. J. Lin, Z. X. Zhuang, S. Y. Huang, T. Y. Lin, Y. S. Jea, Y. K. Fan and T. T. Lee*. 2016. Effect of monochromatic light-emitting diode light with different color on the growth and reproductive performances of breeder geese. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 29: 830-837. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (被引用18次,2022/03/02)
  61. Chen C. N., T. T. Lee and B. Yu. 2016. Improving the prediction of methane production determined by in vitro gas production technique for ruminants. Ann. Anim. Sci. 16: 565-584. (SCI) (被引用4次,2022/03/02)
  62. Chang, C. H., C. K. Tasi, T. T. Lee, C. J. Chiang and Y. P. Chao. 2016. Targeted delivery of bio-synthetic lycopene by the bacterial carrier. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 59: 91-97. (SCI) (IF=4.217) (被引用5次,2022/03/02)
  63. Lin, M. J., S. C. Chang, Y. S. Jea, J. W. Liao, Y. K. Fan and T. T. Lee*. 2016. In vitro antioxidant capability and performance assessment of White Roman goose supplemented with dried Toona sinensis. J. Appl. Anim. Res. 44: 395-402. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (被引用8次,2022/03/02)
  64. Lai, L. P., M. T. Lee, C. S. Chen, B. Yu and T. T. Lee*. 2015. Effects of co-fermented Pleurotus eryngii stalk residues and soybean hulls by Aureobasidium pullulans on performance and intestinal morphology in broiler chickens. Poult. Sci. 94(12): 2959-2969. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (IF=1.908) (被引用20次,2022/03/02)
  65. Lin, M. J., S. C. Chang, Y. S. Jea, W. S. Chen and T. T. Lee*. 2015. Effects of dietary garlic scape meal on the growth and meat characteristics of geese. Br. Poult. Sci. 56: 716-722. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (IF=0.884) (被引用3次,2022/03/02)
  66. Hus, W. T., C. J. Chiang, Y. P. Chao, C. H. Chang, L. J. Lin, B. Yu and T. T. Lee*. 2015. Effects of recombinant lycopene dietary supplement on the egg quality and blood characteristics of laying quails. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 120(5):539-543. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (IF=2.240) (被引用7次,2022/03/02)
  67. Wang, C. L., C. J. Chiang, Y. P. Chao, B. Yu and T. T. Lee*. 2015. Effect of Cordyceps militaris waster medium on production performance, egg traits and egg yolk cholesterol of laying hens. J. Poult. Sci. 52(3): 188-196. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (被引用22次,2022/03/02)
  68. Lee T. T*., J. Y. Ciou, C. N. Chen and B. Yu. 2015. The effect of Pleurotus eryngii stalk residue dietary supplementation on layer performance, egg traits and oxidative status. Ann. Anim. Sci. 15: 447-461. (SCI) (被引用12次,2022/03/02)
  69. Chang C. H., Y. S. Chen, T. T. Lee, Y. H. Lin and B. Yu. 2015. Lactobacillus formosensis sp. nov., a novel lactic acid bacterium isolated from fermented soybean meal. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 65: 101–106. (SCI) (被引用11次,2022/03/02)
  70. 張伸彰、李滋泰、賈玉祥、范揚廣、林旻蓉。2015。飼糧添加生鮮狼尾草台畜草三號對白羅曼鵝生長及屠體性狀之影響。畜產研究。48(1):16-24.
  71. Shih, C. H., T. T. Lee, Warren H. J. Kuo and B. Yu. 2014. Growth performance and intestinal microflora population of broilers fed aged brown rice. Ann. Anim. Sci. 4: 897-909. (SCI) (被引用9次,2022/03/02)
  72. Huang S. H., R. K. Vishwakarma, T. T. Lee, H. S. Chan and H. S. Tsay. 2014. Establishment of hairy root lines and analysis of iridoids and secoiridoids in the medicinal plant Gentiana scabra. Bot. Stud. 55: 17 DOI:10.1186/1999-3110-55-17. (SCI) (被引用40次,2022/03/02)
  73. Chen C. N., T. T. Lee and B. Yu. 2014. Comparison of the dietary fiber digestibility and fermentability of feedstuffs determined by conventional methods and in vitro gas production technique in pigs. Acta Agri. Scand A. Anim. Sci. 63: 201-207. (SCI) (被引用8次,2022/03/02)
  74. Chiang C. J., L. J. Lin, Z. W. Wang, T. T. Lee and Y. P. Chao. 2014. A potential method to create a bifunctional enzyme for whole-cell biotransformation. Process Biochem. 49: 1122-1128 (SCI)
  75. 林旻蓉、李滋泰、賈玉祥、范揚廣、張伸彰。2014。白羅曼種鵝於產蛋期間之體態評分與器官重量之變化。畜產研究。47(2):101-108.
  76. Lee T. T*., J. Y. Ciou, C. L. Chen and B. Yu*. 2013. Effect of Echinacea purpurea L. on oxidative status and meat quality in Arbor Acres broilers. J. Sci. Food Agric. 93: 166-172. (SCI) (Corresponding author) (被引用37次,2022/03/02)
  77. Lee T. T., and B. Yu. 2013. Application of biologics to feedstuff. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 12: 526-530. (review article) (SCI) (被引用5次,2022/03/02)
  78. 陳啟禎、李滋泰、陳中南、余碧。2013。飼糧中添加二階段發酵大豆粕取代魚粉或濃縮大豆蛋白對離乳仔豬生長及腸道型態之影響。中畜會誌。42(3): 185-204.
  79. Lee T. T*., J. Y. Ciou, C. J. Chiang, Y. P. Chao and B. Yu*. 2012. Effect of Pleurotus eryngii stalk residue on the oxidative status and meat quality of broiler chickens. J. Agric. Food Chem. 60: 11157-11163. (SCI) (Corresponding author) (被引用45次,2022/03/02)
  80. Lee T. T*., C. L. Chen, C. C. Wang and B. Yu*. 2012. Growth performance and antioxidant capacity of broilers supplemented with Echinacea purpurea L. in the diet. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 21: 484-491. (SCI) (Corresponding author) (被引用16次,2022/03/02)
  81. Hsu C. B., J. W. Lee, H. J. Huang, C. H. Wang, T. T. Lee, H. T. Yen, and B. Yu. 2012. Effects of supplemental glutamine on growth performance, plasma parameters and LPS-induced immune response of weaned barrows after castration. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 25: 674-681. (SCI) (被引用12次,2022/03/02)
  82. Huang C. W., T. T. Lee, Y. C. Shih and B. Yu. 2012. Effects of dietary supplementation of Chinese medicine herbs on polymorphonuclear neutrophil immune activity and small intestinal morphology in weanling pigs. J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr. 96: 285-294. (SCI) (被引用72次,2022/03/02)
  83. Lee T. T., Y. F. Huang, C. C. Chiang, T. K Chung, P. W. S. Chiou and B. Yu. 2011. Starch characteristics and their influences on in vitro and pig prececal starch digestion. J. Agric. Food Chem. 59: 7353-7359. (SCI) (被引用18次,2022/03/02)
  84. Chen C. C., T. T. Lee, C. B. Hsu, C. W. Huang and B. Yu. 2011. Associations of allergenic soybean proteins with piglet skin allergic reaction and application of polyclonal antibodies. Anim. Prod. Sci. 51: 1008-1014. (SCI) (co-first author) (被引用20次,2022/03/02)
  85. Lee T. T*, Y. R. Tian and B. Yu. 2011. Polysaccharide, adenosine and crude triterpenoid contents of Pleurotus eryngii and its immunostimulant capacity in vivo. J. Agric. Sci. Technol. A 1: 1166-1169. (Corresponding author) (被引用5次,2022/03/02)
  86. Lee T. T., C. C. Chang, R. S. Juang, R. B Chen, S. Y. Yang, L. W. Chu, , S. R. Wang, C. S. Wang, T. H. Tseng, L. J. Chen and B. Yu. 2010. Porcine lactoferrin expression in transgenic rice and its effects as a feed additive on early weaned piglets. J. Agric. Food Chem. (SCI) 58(8): 5166-5173. (被引用20次,2022/03/02)
  87. Lee T. T*., C. C. Hwang, X. H. Shieh, C. L. Chen, L. J. Chen and B. Yu. 2010. Flavonoid, phenol and polysaccharide contents of Echinacea purpurea L. and its immunostimulant capacity in vitro. Inter. J. Environ. Sci. Dev. 1(1): 5-9. (Corresponding author) (被引用44次,2022/03/02)
  88. 張嗣瑜、李滋泰*、余碧。2010。蛋白酵素及非傳統性蛋白質原料於肉雞飼糧之應用性。明道學術論壇。6(1): 59-75. (聯絡作者)
  89. Lee T. T., C. L. Chen, Z. H. Shieh, J. C. Lin and B. Yu. 2009. Study on antioxidant activity of Echinacea purpurea L. extracts and its impact on cell viability. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 8: 5097- 5105. (SCI) (被引用31次,2022/03/02)
  90. Lee T. T., I. B. Huang and C. C. Hwang. 2009. Analysis of sulfachloropyridazine and sulfapyridine by high-performance liquid chromatography with molecularly imprinted polymer as the stationary phase. Biomed. Eng. Appl. Basis Comm. 21:457-460. (EI) (被引用2次,2022/03/02)
  91. Yu, B., J. R. Liu, F. S. Hsiao, T. T. Lee and P. W. S. Chiou. 2008. The probiotic and adherence properties of lactobacillus reuteri Pg4 expressing the rumen microbial β-glucanase. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 21:1324-1329. (SCI) (被引用8次,2022/03/02)
  92. Lee T. T., M. Morisset, D-A. Moneret-Vautrin, C. Astier, V. Cordebar, F. Codreanu, E. Beaudouin, B. E. Bihain, G. Kanny. 2007. Contamination of probioticpreparations with milk allergen can cause anaphylaxis in cow’s milk allergic patients. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 119(3):746-747. (SCI) (被引用50次,2022/03/02)
  93. Lee T. T., W. M. Leu, H. H. Yang, B. C. M. Chen, and J. T. C. Tzen. 2006. Sesame oleosin and prepro-2S albumin expressed as a fusion polypeptide in transgenic rice were split, processed and separately assembled into oil bodies and protein bodies. J. Cereal Sci. 44: 333-341. (SCI) (被引用12次,2022/03/02)
  94. Morisset, M., T. T. Lee, F. Codreanu, V. Cordebar, S. Fremont, L. Guenard, G. Kanny, D. Moneret-Vautrin. 2006. Allergy to an amino-acid formula in infants: residual soy allergens in soybean oil are incriminated. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 117(2): S40. (SCI) (被引用8次,2022/03/02)
  95. 張嗣瑜、李滋泰、余碧。2006。以體外試驗評估飼料蛋白質及添加蛋白酶之消化作用。中畜會誌。35(3): 133-144.
  96. Lee T. T., M. C. Chung, Y. W. Kao, C. S. Wang, L. J. Chen and J. T. C. Tzen. 2005. Specific expression of a sesame storage protein in transgenic rice bran. J. Cereal Sci. 41: 23-29. (SCI) (被引用24次,2022/03/02)
  97. Chyan C. L., T. T. Lee, C. P. Liu, J. T. C. Tzen and W. M. Chou. 2005. Cloning and expression of a seed-specific metallothionein-like protein from sesame. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 69(12): 2319-2325. (SCI) (被引用59次,2022/03/02)
  98. Chen M. M. C., C. L. Chyan, T. T. Lee, S. H. Huang and J. T. C. Tzen. 2004. Constitution of stable artificial oil bodies with triacylglycerol, phospholipid, and caleosin. J. Agric. Food Chem. 52(12): 3982-3987. (SCI) (被引用105次,2022/03/02)
  99. Yu B., Y. C. Jan, T. K. Chung, T. T. Lee and P. W. S. Chiou. 2004. Exogenous phytase activity in the gastrointestinal tract of broiler chickens. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 40: 309-320. (SCI) (被引用58次,2022/03/02)
  1. Lee, T. T., Y. H. Hong, J. S. Chang, M. J. Lin, H. D. Shih, S. C. Chang. 2024. Solid state fermentation of wheat bran by Ganoderma spp. applied in the broiler diet. Animal Science Congress (Joint AAAS & AAAP) in Melbourne, 9-11 July. 2024.
  2. Min-Jung Lin, Shen-Chang Chang, Ting-Yung Kuo, Tzu-Tai Lee, Shao-Yu Peng. 2024. Effects of type and concentration of antifreeze on quality of frozen-thawed semen in ganders. Animal Science Congress (Joint AAAS & AAAP) in Melbourne, 9-11 July. 2024.
  3. 陳冠瑜、唐愷良、陳裕星、 李滋泰*。2023。評估發酵日本薄荷蒸餾副產物作為天然飼料添加物之濳力。中畜會誌。52(增刊)。
  4. 陳勇豪、李滋泰*。2023。開發貝萊斯芽孢桿菌發酵大豆殼作為雞隻機能性飼料原料之應用。中畜會誌。52(增刊)。
  5. 張伸彰、陳苓鶴、黃憲榮、王漢昇、張嘉熒、黃晁偉、彭劭于、李滋泰、林旻蓉。2023。應用影像辨識系統監測母豬懷孕期間外陰部之變化。中畜會誌。52(增刊)。
  6. 林旻蓉、劉士銘、張伸彰、彭劭于、李滋泰。2023。休產期飼糧給飼量對環抭鵝舍內種鵝產蛋前期種蛋受精率之影響。中畜會誌。52(增刊)。
  7. 廖久薰、葉維德、施佳宏、李滋泰2021。飼糧添加蠶蛹粉對白肉雞生長性能之影響。中畜會誌50(增刊)。277.
  8. 張伸彰、黃憲榮、彭麟量、許晉賓、楊鎮榮、李滋泰2021。濕飼限飼方式對黑豬生長性能及屠體性狀之影響。中畜會誌50(增刊)。301.
  9. 蔡佳芬、林威志、王兆宏、蔡清松、李滋泰2020。生產高大豆水解胜肽之機能性發酵大豆粕改善白肉雞氧化壓力之探討。中畜會誌49(增刊)。127.(新人獎)
  10. 林鶴修、林威志、李滋泰2020。以乳酸菌發酵茶葉副產物開發降低脂肪累積之飼料添加物。中畜會誌49(增刊)。120.
  11. 劉俊麟、林威志、施玉仁、唐品琦、李滋泰2020。篩選鸚鵡嗉囊乳之益生菌於肉雞飼糧之應用。中畜會誌49(增刊)。132.
  12. 林旻蓉、廖士傑、江兆弘、王錦盟、林宗毅、李滋泰2020。飼糧鈣含量對種鵝產蛋性能之影響。中畜會誌49(增刊)。339.
  13. 范耕榛、李姿蓉、李滋泰、施柏齡、李春芳。2020。狼尾草台畜草五號飼糧對阿爾拜因乳山羊泌乳性能之影響。中畜會誌49(增刊)。346.
  14. 張伸彰、黃憲榮、李秀蘭、彭麟量、許晉賓、楊國泰、彭劭于、李滋泰2020。餵飼廚餘及飼料對民間土黑豬體型之影響。中畜會誌49(增刊)。350.
  15. Lin, W. C., S. C. Chang M. J. Lin, and T. T. Lee. 2019. Development and application of 2-stage
    fermented wheat bran by white rot fungi and Trichoderma spp. as functional feedstuff. Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries (SAADC 2019), 8-11 Nov, Nepal, Pokhara.
  16.  Lin, H. H.,W. C. Lin, J. W. Chen, M. H. Lin, and T. T. Lee. 2019. Evaluation of intelligent waterfowl housing system on production benefit in mule ducks. Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries (SAADC 2019), 8-11 Nov, Nepal, Pokhara.
  17.  Hsieh, Y. C., M. X. Chen, W. Y. Chuang, S. C. Chang, and T. T. Lee. 2019. Application of different mushroom stalk residues as feed additives in broiler diet. Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries (SAADC 2019), 8-11 Nov, Nepal, Pokhara.
  18.  Liu, C. L., W. Y. Chuang, H. D. Shih, Y. M. Shy, and T. T. Lee. 2019. Evaluation the  pennisetum alopecuroides mushroom residues fermented products as feed additives by principal components analysis program. Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries (SAADC 2019), 8-11 Nov, Nepal, Pokhara.
  19.  Tsai, C. F., W. Y. Chuang, S. C. Chang, and T. T. Lee. 2019. Saccharomyces cerevisiae plus enzyme co-fermentation wheat bran on broilers growth and intestine tight-junction gene expression. Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries (SAADC 2019), 8-11 Nov, Nepal, Pokhara.
  20.  Chen, L. W., J. W. Chen, S. C. Chang, and T. T. Lee. 2019. Evaluation of green tea by-products as feed additives in broiler diet. Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries (SAADC 2019), 8-11 Nov, Nepal, Pokhara.
  21.  Chuang, W. Y., C. M. Huang, Y. C. Hsieh, , and T. T. Lee2019. Application of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and Aspergillus oryzae with Phytase Fermentation Products as feed additive in Broilers. Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries (SAADC 2019), 8-11 Nov, Nepal, Pokhara.
  22.  Chen, H. W. W. C. Lin, S. C. Chang, P. C. Tang, and T. T. Lee. 2019. Evaluation of Melopsittacus undulatus crop-isolated Bacillus spp.asprobiotic feed additives. Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries (SAADC 2019), 8-11 Nov, Nepal, Pokhara.
  23.  Lee,T. T., W. C. Lin, and M. J. Lin. 2019. Effects of Laetiporus sulphureus fermented wheat bran on growth performance and intestinal microflora in broiler chicken. Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries (SAADC 2019), 8-11 Nov, Nepal, Pokhara.
  24. Yeh, W. D., C. H. Liao, T. H. Wu, S. C. Chang, and T. T. Lee. 2019. Effect of Bombyx mori pupae meal supplemented on growth performances in broiler chickens. Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries (SAADC 2019), 8-11 Nov, Nepal, Pokhara.
  25. Lee, T. T., , W. C. Lin, M. L. Lin, S. C. Chang and B. Yu. 2018. In vitro immunomodulation properties of solid-state fermented laetiporus sulphureus ethanol extracts in chicken peripheral blood monocytes. 18th Asian-Australasian Animal Production Congress, 1-5 Aug, Kuching, Malaysia.
  26.  Lin, W.C., T. T. Lee and S. C. Chang. 2018. Effects of dietary supplementation of Trichoderma pseudokoningii fermented enzyme powder on growth performance, intestinal morphology, microflora and serum antioxidative status in broiler chickens. 18th Asian-Australasian Animal Production Congress, 1-5 Aug, Kuching, Malaysia. 18th Asian-Australasian Animal Production Congress, 1-5 Aug, Kuching, Malaysia.
  27.  Chueh C. C., W. S. Chung and  T. T. Lee2018. Evaluation of the antioxidant properties in Taiwan cultivar banana peel. 18th Asian-Australasian Animal Production Congress, 1-5 Aug, Kuching, Malaysia.
  28.  Chang, S. C., H. H. Lee, T. H Wei, H. S Wang, H. J. Huang, M. L. Lin and T. T. Lee2018.  Effects of Phellinus linteus meal on growth performance and biochemical parameter in piglet. 18th Asian-Australasian Animal Production Congress, 1-5 Aug, Kuching, Malaysia. 18th Asian-Australasian Animal Production Congress, 1-5 Aug, Kuching, Malaysia.
  29.  Chen, S. T., Y. C. Wang, C. H. Lu, S.W. Roan and T. T. Lee2018. Development of Forage Crop Management and Surveillance of Production Circumstance System on Dairy Industry with Mobile Devices in Taiwan. 18th Asian-Australasian Animal Production Congress, 1-5 Aug, Kuching, Malaysia.
  30. 謝昀辰、陳美杏、李滋泰2018。菇類副產物作為飼料添加物於肉雞飼糧之應用。中畜會誌47(增刊)。141.(新人獎)
  31. 蘇鈵文、黃崇銘、施佳宏、吳登楨、李滋泰2018。蓖麻葉作為機能性飼料添加物於蛋雞飼糧之應用。中畜會誌47(增刊)。164.
  32. 莊文揚、黃崇銘、李滋泰2018。以酵母菌配合植酸酶共發酵開發具免疫調節、抗氧化能力及提高磷利用率之機能性飼料添加物。中畜會誌47(增刊)。168.
  33. 鄭皓元、潘源廣、張硯宇、范耕榛、李滋泰2018。評估以木黴菌發酵杏鮑菇廢棄菇包作為反芻動物芻料之研究。中畜會誌47(增刊)。303.
  34. 闕壯啟、鐘威昇、林麗娟、黃世宏、李滋泰2018。台灣品種香蕉皮作為具抗氧化能力飼料添加之評估。中畜會誌47(增刊)。320.
  35. 張伸彰、李秀蘭、黃憲榮、許晉賓、李滋泰2018。飼糧中添加牛樟芝副產物對保育豬生長及血液性狀之影響。中畜會誌47(增刊)。323.
  36. 林旻蓉、張伸彰、李滋泰2018。牛樟芝發酵大豆殼對肉鵝生長性能及血液生理值之影響。中畜會誌47(增刊)。324.
  37. 張齊桓、李滋泰、余碧。2018。複合式益生菌對於沙門氏菌攻毒無特定病源雞隻腸道菌群及免疫反應之影響。中畜會誌47(增刊)。342.
  38. Chang, S. C., M. J. Lin and T. T. Lee. 2017. Variation of body type score and reproductive system during laying period in White Roman geese. The 6th world waterfowl conference (WWC 2017). Taiwan.
  39. Chang, S. C., M. J. Lin and T. T. Lee. 2017. Effect of sex on growth and feather quality in White Roman geese. The 6th world waterfowl conference (WWC 2017). Taiwan.
  40. Lin, M. J.,Chang, S. C and T. T. Lee. 2017. Growth Performance Test of White Roman Geese. The 6th world waterfowl conference (WWC 2017). Taiwan.
  41. Lin, M. J.,Chang, S. C and T. T. Lee. 2017.Correlation analysis of body weight and feather production in White Roman Geese. The 6th world waterfowl conference (WWC 2017). Taiwan.
  42. 張伸彰、林旻蓉、李滋泰。2017。飼糧中添加棕梠油粕及太空包混合物對休產期鵝隻生長性狀之影響。中畜會誌46(增刊).
  43. 鄭皓騰、蔡雅筑、吳登楨、施佳宏、李滋泰2017。飼糧中添加油甘枝葉對白肉雞生長、腸道及氧化狀態之影響。中畜會誌46(增刊)。101.(新人獎)
  44. 施玉仁、張哲綸、余碧、李滋泰2017。評估以黑水虻篩選之枯草桿菌作為飼料添加物之潛力。中畜會誌46(增刊)。117.(新人獎)
  45. 張伸彰、林旻蓉、李滋泰2017。飼糧中添加棕梠油粕及太空包混合物對種鵝體重及繁殖性能之影響。中畜會誌46(增刊)。186.
  46. 施柏齡、范耕榛、李宗育、李滋泰、陳美杏、李春芳。2017。不同菇類副產物對仔羊生長及免疫力之影響。中畜會誌46(增刊)。243.
  47. 范耕榛、李滋泰、陳美杏、蕭宗法、余碧、李春芳。2017。飼糧添加經秀珍菇廢棄培養基固態發酵稻稈對乳用閹公羊消化及健康之影響。中畜會誌46(增刊)。245.
  48. 范耕榛、李滋泰、陳美杏、蕭宗法、余碧、李春芳。2017。飼糧添加經秀珍菇廢棄培養基固態發酵稻稈對乳山羊泌乳性能之影響。中畜會誌46(增刊)。244.
  49. Chang, C. L., P. Y. Teng, C. H. Chung, B. Yu, and T. T. Lee. 2016. Effect of solid-state fermented wheat bran by probiotics on growth performance and intestinal organic acids in broiler chickens. 5th Asian Federation of Societies for Lactic Acid Bacteria International Symposium in conjunction with 2016 Cross-Strait Probiotics Forum, TAIPEI TAIWAN. (November 28-30, 2016).
  50. Chang, C. H., T. T. Lee, and B. Yu. 2016. Molecular analysis of intestinal microbiota of broiler chickens fed diets containing probiotics and antibiotics. 5th Asian Federation of Societies for Lactic Acid Bacteria International Symposium in conjunction with 2016 Cross-Strait Probiotics Forum, TAIPEI TAIWAN. (November 28-30, 2016).
  51. Lee, T. T. *, H. C Lin, S. C. Chang, and B. Yu. 2016. Production functional feed additive using Antrodia cinnamomea fermented soybean hull. The 17th Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies Animal Science Congress, FUKUOKA JAPAN. (August 22~25, 2016).
  52. Wei, T. H., B. Yu, and T. T. Lee. 2016. Measuring functional metabolites and evaluating the potential of fermented spent mushroom substrates as feed additive. The 17th Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies Animal Science Congress, FUKUOKA JAPAN. (August 22~25, 2016).
  53. Lee, M. T., L. P. Lai, W. C. Lin, J. Y. Ciou, B. Yu, and T. T. Lee. 2016. Fermented Pleurotus eryngii stalk residues and soybean hulls by Aureobasidium pullulans on nutrients digestibility and meat quality of broiler chickens. The 17th Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies Animal Science Congress, FUKUOKA JAPAN. (August 22~25, 2016).
  54. Huang, C. M., P. Y. Teng, S. C. Chang, B. Yu, and T. T. Lee. 2016. Evaluation the characterization of solid state fermented wheat bran by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. The 17th Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies Animal Science Congress, FUKUOKA JAPAN. (August 22~25, 2016).
  55. Lee, P. Y., C. T. Lo, H. C. Cheng, B. Yu, and T. T. Lee. 2016. Evaluation of reducing odour produced by hens excreta with probiotics and protease. The 17th Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies Animal Science Congress, FUKUOKA JAPAN. (August 22~25, 2016).
  56. Lin, W. C., M. T. Lee, T. T. Lee, and B. Yu. 2016. Evaluation of mulberry leave as a functional feed additive of laying hens. The 17th Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies Animal Science Congress, FUKUOKA JAPAN. (August 22~25, 2016).
  57. Chang, C. L., P. Y. Teng, S. C. Chang, B. Yu, and T. T. Lee. 2016. Effects of solid-state fermented wheat bran by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Saccharomyces cerevisiae on growth performance and intestinal microflora in broilers. The 17th Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies Animal Science Congress, FUKUOKA JAPAN. (August 22~25, 2016).
  58. Chang, C. H., P. Y. Teng, T. T. Lee, and B. Yu. 2016. Effects of the multi-strain probiotics and herbal medicines supplementation in diet on intestinal microflora in broilers. The 17th Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies Animal Science Congress, FUKUOKA JAPAN. (August 22~25, 2016).
  59. Yu, B., P. R. Huang, G. J. Fan and T. T. Lee. 2016. Effects of lactic acid bacteria inoculation and wilting on silage fermentation of nilegrass silage. The 17th Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies Animal Science Congress, FUKUOKA JAPAN. (August 22~25, 2016).
  60. 朱益霆、羅朝村、余碧、李滋泰2016。木黴菌發酵麩皮對肉雞生長性狀及腸道型態之影響。中畜會誌45(增刊)。228. (新人獎)
  61. 張哲綸、鄧博允、張伸彰、余碧、李滋泰2016。以枯草桿菌及酵母菌固態發酵麩皮對於肉雞生長及腸道性狀之影響。中畜會誌45(增刊)。100. (新人獎)
  62. 蔡雅筑、鄭皓騰、吳登楨、施佳宏、李滋泰2016。探討蓖麻葉片作為機能性飼料添加物之評估。中畜會誌45(增刊)。118. (新人獎)
  63. 李佳穎、李滋泰、余碧。2016。接種好氧性微生物於禽畜糞堆肥之效果探討。中畜會誌45(增刊)。97. (新人獎)
  64. 楊倩如、范耕榛、李滋泰、余碧。2016。添加Lactobacillus formosensis S215T對半乾盤固草與尼羅草青貯發酵品質之影響。中畜會誌45(增刊)。95.
  65. 董珈瑄、李滋泰、余碧。2016。飼糧添加益生菌與中草藥組合產品對離乳仔豬生長性能、糞便指數、腸道菌相及小腸組織學之影響。中畜會誌45(增刊)。98.
  66. 闕雅鈴、余碧、李滋泰2016。飼糧發酵大豆殼/菇蒂頭對於懷孕母豬糞便與繁殖性狀之影響。中畜會誌45(增刊)。99.
  67. 林旻蓉、張伸彰、賈玉祥、李滋泰2016。飼養密度及飛機翼對白羅曼鵝羽毛重及血液性狀之影響。中畜會誌45(增刊)。230.
  68. 范耕榛、汪碧瑩、李滋泰、陳美杏、李春芳、余碧。2016。以實驗室方法評估不同食用菇廢棄培養基固態發酵稻稈之效果。中畜會誌45(增刊)。236.
  69. 李柏毅、羅朝村、鄭旭辰、余碧、李滋泰2016。探討配合酵素及微生物製劑對蛋雞排泄物中臭味分子及菌相之影響。中畜會誌45(增刊)。251.
  70. 施玉仁、范耕榛、陳美杏、余碧、李滋泰2016。評估金針菇與杏鮑菇菇頭副產物之抗氧化力。中畜會誌45(增刊)。256.
  71. Lee, T. T*., H. C. Lin, and B. Yu. 2015. Crude triterpenoid, phenolic compounds and enzyme activities of fermented soybean hull by Antrodia cinnamomea. 5th SAADC, Pattaya, Thailand. (October 27~30, 2015)
  72. Chang, C. H., W. T. Hsu, C. J. Chiang, Y. P. Chao, T. T. Lee, and B. Yu. 2015. Supplementation of recombinant lycopene on egg quality and blood characteristics in quail diet. 5th SAADC, Pattaya, Thailand. (October 27~30, 2015)
  73. Lin, W. C., B. Yu, and T. T. Lee. 2015. Evaluation of mulberry leave as a functional feed additive of laying hens. 5th SAADC, Pattaya, Thailand. (October 27~30, 2015)
  74.  Pan, Y. G., C. T. Lo, B. Yu, and T. T. Lee. 2015. Enhancement of rice straw nutrient value by solid state fermentation with Trichoderma. 5th SAADC, Pattaya, Thailand. (October 27~30, 2015)
  75. Lai, L. P., M. T. Lee, B. Yu, and T. T. Lee. 2015. Effect of performance and intestinal morphology by supplementation with a functional feed additive in poultry diet. 5th SAADC, Pattaya, Thailand. (October 27~30, 2015)
  76. Yu, B., Y. J. Wang, and T. T. Lee. 2015. Effect of performance and intestinal characteristics on supplemented with protease in the broiler diet. 5th SAADC, Pattaya, Thailand. (October 27~30, 2015)
  77. Lee, T. T*., C. C. Wang, C. H. Chang and B. Yu. 2015. Antimicrobial activity in vitro and growth performance of broilers supplemented with dried Pleurotus eryngii stalk residue. 2015 International Conference on Biotechnology and Agriculture Engineering. Kyoto, Japan. (April 6-7, 2015) (oral presentation)
  78. B. Yu., C. H. Chang and T. T. Lee. 2015. Effects of the probiotics supplementation in diet on intestinal microflora ecosystem in broilers. 2015 International Conference on Biotechnology and Agriculture Engineering. Kyoto, Japan. (April 6-7, 2015)
  79. 洪鈺涵、余 碧、李滋泰。2015。白腐真菌固態發酵麩皮之有效成份及調節免疫能力評估。中畜會誌44(增刊)。100. (新人獎)
  80. 鄧博允、張齊桓、趙雲鵬、余 碧、李滋泰。2015。評估益生菌-解澱粉芽孢桿菌應用於肉雞飼糧之效果。中畜會誌44(增刊)。118. (新人獎)
  81. 潘源廣、羅朝村、范耕榛、余碧、李滋泰。2015。木黴菌發酵稻稈作為反芻動物芻料之評估。中畜會誌44(增刊)。97.
  82. 吳宣親、許恭豪、李滋泰、余碧。2015。篩選好氣性微生物於禽畜廢棄物堆肥之應用。中畜會誌44(增刊)。102.
  83. 朱益霆、羅朝村、余 碧、李滋泰。2015。以木黴菌固態發酵麩皮生產木質纖維分解酵素。中畜會誌44(增刊)。115.
  84. 李柏毅、羅朝村、鄭旭辰、余碧、李滋泰。2015。探討蛋白酵素及複合益生菌對降低蛋雞排泄物中氨及硫化氫之效果。中畜會誌44(增刊)。117.
  85. 張伸彰、林旻蓉、廖士傑、黃三元、范揚廣、李滋泰。2015。光顏色對種鵝產蛋及褪黑激素含量之影響。中畜會誌44(增刊)。220.
  86. 洪鈺涵、余碧、李滋泰。2015。應用白腐真菌固態發酵大豆殼生產酵素及代謝物。中畜會誌44(增刊)。242.
  87. 潘源廣、羅朝村、余碧、李滋泰。2015。探討木黴菌生產酵素及於家禽消化道上皮細胞之吸附能力。中畜會誌44(增刊)。243.
  88. 張齊桓、鄧博允、李滋泰、余碧。2015。飼糧中添加複合式益生菌與中草藥對於白肉雞生長與腸道菌相之影響。中畜會誌44(增刊)。268.
  89. 林旻蓉、張伸彰、廖士傑、李滋泰。2015。飼糧添加蒜頭梗對白羅曼鵝生長性狀及血液生理值之影響。中畜會誌44(增刊)。272.
  90. 林旻蓉、張伸彰、賈玉祥、李滋泰、李淵百、范揚廣。2015。飼養密度對白羅曼鵝飛機翼嚴重程度之影響。中畜會誌44(增刊)。273.
  91. 張伸彰、林旻蓉、賈玉祥、范揚廣、李滋泰。2015。光照強度對種鵝之蛋型及生產性能之影響。中畜會誌44(增刊)。274.
  92. 魏子翔、余 碧、李滋泰。2015。以農廢菇包生產機能性代謝物。中畜會誌44(增刊)。276.
  93. 張齊桓、賴莉萍、李滋泰、余 碧。2015。探討複合式益生菌應用於土雞飼糧之效果。2015台灣乳酸菌協會會員大會暨益生菌在臨床上的運用研討會。pp 105。(優良壁報論文)
  94. Lee, T. T*., L. P. Lai and B. Yu. 2014. Effect of fermented Pleurotus eryngii stalks and soybean hulls on the performance and lactic acid bacteria in broilers. 10th Asia Pacific Poultry Conference, Jeju, Korea. (October 19~23, 2014) (Excellent Poster Presentation Award)
  95. Lin H. C., B. Yu and T. T. Lee. 2014. Study on fermented soybean hulls by Antrodia cinnamomea and its immunomodulation capacity on chicken PBMCs. 10th Asia Pacific Poultry Conference, Jeju, Korea. (October 19~23, 2014)
  96. Wang C. C., T. T. Lee and B. Yu. 2014. Solid-state fermented wheat bran by white rot fungi and its metabolites affect on chicken PBMCs. 10th Asia Pacific Poultry Conference, Jeju, Korea. (October 19~23, 2014)
  97. Chang, C. H., T. T. Lee and B. Yu. 2014. Effects of the probiotic on intestinal microflora ecosystem by PCR-DGGE in broilers. 10th Asia Pacific Poultry Conference, Jeju, Korea. (October 19~23, 2014)
  98. Lai, L. P., T. T. Lee and B. Yu. 2014. Effects of fermented soybean hulls on the blood lipid and immune response in chicken broilers. 10th Asia Pacific Poultry Conference, Jeju, Korea. (October 19~23, 2014)
  99. Yu, B., L. P. Lai and T. T. Lee. 2014. Application of the fermented soybean hulls on growth performance and intestinal microflora in broilers. 10th Asia Pacific Poultry Conference, Jeju, Korea. (October 19~23, 2014)
  100. Lee T. T*, C. C. Wang, Z. M. Huang and B. Yu. 2014. Study on egg quality and antioxidant status of Pleurotus eryngii stalk added in laying hens diet. 16th Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production conference. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. (2014.11.10-14)
  101. Yu, B., P. C. Chang and T. T. Lee. 2014. Study on late pregnant sow feed probiotic and herb to affect of growth performance, microflora, and fecal score diarrhea incidence on suckling pig. 16th Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production conference. Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
  102. 魏子翔、余碧、李滋泰。2014。靈芝菌發酵大豆殼生產機能性飼料之研究。中畜會誌(增刊)。4: 269.
  103. 林威志、余碧、李滋泰。2014。桑葉作為機能性飼料添加物之評估。中畜會誌(增刊)。4: 88. (新人獎)
  104. 李旻亭、賴莉萍、李滋泰、余碧。2014。以Aureobasidium pullulans固態發酵大豆殼與菇蒂頭生產機能性飼料原料。中畜會誌(增刊)。4: 250. (新人獎)
  105. 鄧至涵、李滋泰、余碧。2014。以Bacillus sublits生產胞外角蛋白酶降解家禽羽毛之評估。中畜會誌(增刊)。4: 91.
  106. 張伸彰、林旻蓉、廖士傑、賈玉祥、陳文賢、范揚廣、李滋泰。2014。菇類太空包對白羅曼鵝屠體及肉質性狀之影響。中畜會誌(增刊)。4: 101.
  107. 張伸彰、林旻蓉、廖士傑、賈玉祥、范揚廣、李滋泰。2014。菇類太空包對白羅曼鵝生長性能及血液生化質之影響。中畜會誌(增刊)。4: 311.
  108. 林旻蓉、張伸彰、廖士傑、賈玉祥、范揚廣、廖俊旺、李滋泰。飼糧添加香椿對白羅曼鵝生長性狀及血液生理性質之影響。中畜會誌(增刊)。4: 310.
  109. 林旻蓉、張伸彰、廖士傑、賈玉祥、范揚廣、廖俊旺、李滋泰。飼糧添加香椿對白羅曼鵝抗氧化能力之影響。中畜會誌(增刊)。4: 234.
  110. 范耕榛、蔡宜方、李滋泰、陳美杏、李春芳、余碧。2014。由實驗室方法評估白腐真菌固態發酵改善稻稈品質之效果。中畜會誌(增刊)。4: 291.
  111. 李滋泰*、王君倫、黃左牧、余碧。2014。機能性大豆殼對雞隻週邊血液單核細胞免疫調節之影響。第十一屆兩岸三地優質雞的改良生產暨發展研討會。海南島,大陸。(2014.02)
  112. 王巧君、李滋泰、余碧。2014。白腐真菌固態發酵農業加工副產物及其於in vitro下對雞隻免疫調節之應用。第十一屆兩岸三地優質雞的改良生產暨發展研討會。海南島,大陸。(2014.02)
  113. Lee T. T*, C. M. Yun, C. H. Chen and B. Yu. 2013. Effect of supplemented with fermented Vigna radiata (L.) hull on growth performance and gut morphology of chicken broilers. 11th World Conference on Animal Production, Beijing, China.
  114. Lee, T. T*., C. L. Wang and B. Yu. 2013. Function components of spent Cordyceps militaris composts and its effect in egg quality and egg cholesterol. XXI European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat and the XV European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products. Bergamo. Italy.
  115. Lee, T. T*., Z. M. Huang, C. J. Chiang and B. Yu. 2013. Application of lycopene from microbe products in laying hens. XXI European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat and the XV European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products. Bergamo. Italy.
  116. Chen, C. N., T. T. Lee, C. J. Tsai and B. Yu. 2013. Application of solid-state fermented soybean meal by white rot fungi in layer hens diet. XXI European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat and the XV European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products. Bergamo. Italy.
  117. Lee, T. T*., C. L. Wang, G. J. Fan and B. Yu. 2013. Study on fermented soy bran via white-rot fungi. The Chinese Society of Animal Science. 42(Sup): 261.
  118. Lee T. T*, J. Y. Ciou, M. J. Lin and S. C. Chang. 2013. Study on the preparation conditions and function components of Pleurotus eryngii stalk residue. The Chinese Society of Animal Science. 42(Sup): 260.
  119. Huang, Z. M., B. Yu and T. T. Lee. 2013. Study on fermented Lpomoea batatas L. vine via white-rot fungi. The Chinese Society of Animal Science. 42(Sup): 93.
  120. 李滋泰*、江健豪、張伸彰、邱致穎。2013。農廢棄物蒜頭梗作為機能性飼料添加物之評估。中畜年會。中興大學。
  121. 張齊桓,黃品柔,陳奕伸,張猷忠,李滋泰,余碧。2013。新種乳酸菌Lactobacillus formosense sp. nov.的鑑定及特性分析。乳酸菌協會「益生菌及其代謝物之多種應用」學術與產業應用研討會暨第五屆第二次會員大會。pp 202。
  122. 李滋泰*、王君倫、林育倢、羅民忠、余碧。2013。白腐真菌固態發酵農業廢棄物生產機能性飼料。2013生物技術暨生物工程研討會。國立虎尾科技大學
  123. 羅民忠、李滋泰*。2013。健康機能性米糠之研發。第一屆創新發明、科學、輔導教學研討會。明道大學。
  124. Lee T. T., J. H. Guo, C. C. Wang and B. Yu. 2012. Effect of Ginseng residue on egg cholesterol and antioxidant status in laying hens. 15th AAAP Animal Science Congress. Thailand.
  125. Lee T. T*., U. J. Lin and B. Yu. 2012. In vitro antimicrobial activity and performance assessment of broilers supplemented with dried Pleurotus eryngii stalk residue. 15th AAAP Animal Science Congress. Thailand.
  126. 李滋泰*、林育倢、羅民忠、余 碧。2012。白腐真菌發酵稻稈作為飼料添加物之研究。中畜年會。台灣大學。
  127. 李滋泰*、蔡佳融、邱致穎、余 碧。2012。白腐真菌固態發酵大豆粕之研究。中畜年會。台灣大學。
  128. 李滋泰*、王君倫、江健豪、余 碧。2012。黃金蟲草副產物對蛋雞生產性狀及蛋品質之影響。中畜年會。台灣大學。
  129. 李滋泰*、黃左牧、何宜靜、姜中人、趙雲鵬、余 碧。2012。以蛋雞試驗評估微生物生產茄紅素之應用性。中畜年會。台灣大學。
  130. 徐偉婷、趙雲鵬、姜中人、李滋泰、余碧。2012。基因重組Escherichia coli 生產茄紅素之抗氧化能力評估。中畜年會。台灣大學。
  131. Lee T. T* and B. Yu. 2011. Effect of Pleurotus eryngii residue on the growth performance and antioxidant activity of broiler chickens. 第十屆兩岸三地優質雞的改良生產暨發展研討會。大陸、廣州。
  132. Lee T. T*, C. C. Wang, I. W. Wang, L. J. Chen and B. Yu. 2011. Heterologus expression of the laccases from Pleurotus eryngii in rice. The Chinese Society of Animal Science. National Pingtung University, Taiwan.
  133. Lee T. T*, Y. R. Tian and B. Yu. 2011. Polysaccharide, adenosine and crude triterpenoid contents of Pleurotus eryngii and its immunostimulant capacity in vivo. The 3th International Conference on Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries. Suranaree University of Technology (SUT), Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand.
  134. Lee T. T*, J. Y. Ciou, C. J. Wang, C. J. Tsai, C. L. Chen and B. Yu. 2011. Effect of Echinacea Purpurea L. on antioxidant capability and meat quality in broiler chickens. The 3th International Conference on Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries. Suranaree University of Technology (SUT), Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand.
  135. 吳憶貞、吳牧庭、張奇龍、李滋泰、余碧。2011。以Bacillus sp. R3固態發酵評估對麩皮纖維組成之降解能力。中畜會誌40(增刊):232。
  136. Lee T. T*, Y. C. Ho, J. R. Liu, L. J. Chen and B. Yu. 2010. Cloning and expression of laccases from Pleurotus eryngii. The Chinese Society of Animal Science. Livestock Research Institute Council of Agriculture, Taiwan. (中畜年會)
  137. Lee T. T*, C. J. Wang, and B. Yu. 2010. Effect of Echinacea purpurea L. on growth performance, antioxidant activity and humoral immune response in broiler. XIIIth European Poultry Conference. Tours, France.
  138. Lee T. T*, Y. R. Tian, J. R. Tsai, and B. Yu. 2010. Functional components and its antimicrobial activity of Pleurotus eryngii by-product extracts. 14th AAAP Animal Science Congress. National Pingtung University, Taiwan.
  139. Lee T. T*., W. C. Liu, C. W. Huang, J. Y. Lin, Y. C. Ho, S. H. Shieh, and B. Yu. 2010. Phenol and flavonoid contents of Andrographis paniculata and its antioxidant capacity in vitro. International Symposium on Biotechnology and Health. Yuanpei University, Hsiu-Chu, Taiwan.
  140. Lee T. T*., W. C. Liu, Eric Chen, I. R. Tan, J. C. Tsai, C. C. Wang, C. J. Lee, and B. Yu. 2010. Effect of manufacturing processes on antioxidant activity of oolong tea extracts. International Symposium on Biotechnology and Health. Yuanpei University, Hsiu-Chu, Taiwan.
  141. Liu W. C., T. T. Lee, Y. H. Liu, R. M. Yang, Z. Y. Zeng, and P. W. Lin. 2010. The novel genotypes of GB virus with distinct geographic and virological characteristics. International Symposium on Biotechnology and Health. Yuanpei University, Hsiu-Chu, Taiwan.
  142. Liu W. C., T. T. Lee, Y. C. Cai, Z. C. Lin, and G. Y. Huang. 2010. Comparing the various of nucleotide polymorphism and methylation frequency of CpG islands among Hepatitis B virus genotype A to H. International Symposium on Biotechnology and Health. Yuanpei University, Hsiu-Chu, Taiwan.
  143. Yu B. and T. T. Lee*. 2010. Immunostimulant activity of Echinacea extracts in vitro. The 2010 International Conference on Biotechnology and Food Science. Bangalore, India, February.
  144. 邱致穎、李滋泰、盧重鎮。2010。探討中草藥飼育法對肉雞生長與肥育期腿肉品質之影響。中國農化年會。
  145. 李滋泰*、邱致穎、謝効樺、余碧。2009。菇類副產物萃取液之抗氧化性。中畜年會。
  146. 李滋泰*、王巧君、蔡佳融、余碧。2009。菇類副產物萃取液對細胞活性及免疫能力之影響。中畜年會。
  147. 邱致穎、李滋泰。2009。中草藥添加對肉雞生長與肥育期胸肉品質之影響。食科年會。
  148. 李滋泰、陳宗禮、謝昭漢、謝効樺、林俊臣、余碧。2008。探討紫錐菊萃取物之抗氧化性。中畜會誌37(增刊):290。
  149. 李滋泰、謝昭漢、陳宗禮、林秀昀、林俊臣、余碧。紫錐菊萃取物對細胞活性及免疫能力之影響。2008。中畜會誌37 (增刊):289。
  150. 陳中南、李滋泰、邱文石、余碧。比較以豬隻排泄物與直腸內容物做為體外氣體生成技術接種物之探討。2008。中畜會誌37 (增刊):279。(新人獎)
  151. 王偉杰、黃建瑋、林優婷、李滋泰、余碧。2007。探討醱酵技術對大豆粕蛋白質品質提升之效果。中畜會誌36 (增刊):289。(新人獎)
  152. Lee, T. T. 2006. Allergy to probiotics: implication of β-lactoglobulin as a contaminant, of probiotic preparation in cow’s milk allergic children. Conference of Natural Science and Engineering for Taiwanese Researchers in France. Paris, France.
  153. Chen, R., T. T. Lee, and J. T. C. Tzen. 2005. Specific expression of a sesame storage protein in transgenic rice bran. The First Asian Symposium on Plant Lipids, Tokyo, Japan.


  1. 李滋泰、張哲綸、張齊桓。分離自動物飼料之貝萊斯芽孢桿菌株Y2T菌株用做為飼料添加劑之用途及方法。中華民國專利。(NO:I725354) (2021/04/21-2038/11/07)
  2. 李滋泰、莊文揚、黃崇銘。由益生菌與植酸酶組合發酵之麩皮製成之飼料添加組成物,其製法及其用於降低家禽發炎反應之應用。中華民國專利。(NO:I700043) (2020/08/01-2039/06/12)
  3. 黃崇銘、李滋泰。提高植物性飼料中游離態磷含量之方法。中華民國專利。(NO:I680721) (2020/01/01-2037/08/23)
  4. 朱益霆、潘源廣、羅朝村、李滋泰。利用木黴菌吸附於家禽類腸胃道以增進餵飼家禽消化分解纖維性食物之方法及飼料添加劑。中華民國專利。(NO:I655950)。(2019/04/11-2036/05/30)
  5.  魏子翔、余碧、李滋泰。以農廢菇包生產機能性代謝物。中華民國專利。(NO:I654306)。(2019/03/21-2037/09/08)
  6. 張哲綸、賈玉祥、李滋泰。利用廢棄黑水虻蛹殼誘導微生物生產酵素之方法。中華民國專利。(NO:I654299)。(2019/3/21-2037/08/16)
  7. 李柏毅、羅朝村、李滋泰。利用酵素及微生物製劑兩階段式處理禽畜養殖場動物廢物之方法。中華民國專利。(NO:I639563)。(2018/11/1-2037/06/21)
  8. 李滋泰、余碧、王巧君。利用發酵麩皮製造具抗氧化活性之動物飼料之方法及其應用。中華民國專利。(NO: I544875, 2016/08/11-2034/12/23)
  9. 潘源廣、羅朝村、余碧、李滋泰。木黴菌培養基及其製法。中華民國專利。(NO: I583789) (2017/05/21-2035/11/18)
  10. 余碧、陳錦樹、賴莉萍、李滋泰。使家禽肌肉增重之方法、使家禽肌肉增重之飼料添加物、該飼料添加物的製造方法、含有該飼料添加物之飼料。中華民國專利。(NO:I552681, 2016/10/11-2034/7/15)
  11. 余碧、張齊桓、黃品柔、李滋泰。新菌種Lactobacillus formosensis S215T及於青貯料之應用。中華民國專利。(NO:I510620) (2015/12/01-2034/05/13)
  12. 李滋泰、陳良築、曾志正。於榖類植物榖粒外皮表現外源蛋白質之方法。中華民國專利。(NO: I332029)。(2010/10/21-2023/11/27)
  13. 李滋泰、曾志正。以轉殖植物生產高甲硫胺酸蛋白之方法及其所製得之產品。中華民國專利。(NO: I319435)。(2010/01/11-2022/06/03)
  14. 李滋泰、王美琪、戴守谷、李玉菁、曾志正。人造油體抗原展現系統。中華民國專利。(NO: I301762)。(2008/10/11-2022/05/06)


  1. 李滋泰、混和真菌發酵產物用於作為提升禽類免疫力之飼料添加物的用途及方法。中華民國專利。(申請中) (校內編號:109PC0040)


  1. 益生菌及酵素代謝物作為飼料添加物之技術及用途。(合約編號K109006) 。福華畜牧場。(2020.04-2022.04)。50
  2. 天然機能性飼料添加物於動物之用途及應用技術。(合約編號K109028) 。昀昇蛋品有限公司。(2020.08-2025.08)。30
  3. 益生菌應用於飼料之技術及用途。(合約編號K110010) 。中聯油脂股份有限公司。(2021.04-2025.04)。60
  4. 功能性益生菌及酵素作為飼料添加物之方法及應用技術。(合約編號K110014) 。新益生技股份有限公司。(2021.04-2023.04)。20萬
  5. 益生菌及酵素代謝物作為飼料添加物之技術及用途。(合約編號K111001) 。福華畜牧場。(2022.01-2023.12)。70
  6. 開發發酵豆渣作為寵物伴侶動物機能性飼料之方法及應用技術。(合約編號K109028) 。聯發生物科技股份有限公司。(2022.06-2027.06)。30

1. 執行中(計畫主持人)

計畫名稱及編號 合作機關 執行期限
研發靈芝真菌配合植酸酵素固態發酵農業副產物之機能性飼料原料並探討應用於家禽生長、抗氧化及免疫調節之分子機制(編號:112-2313-B-005-043-MY3) 國科會 112/08/01 ~ 115/07/31
以油柑枝葉作為家禽機能性飼料添加物之評估(第二年) (編號:112農科-2.2.2-牧-U1(3-1)) 農業部 112/01/01 ~ 112/12/31
以111年度選定之鵪鶉場建議改善後之飼養管理及生產效能評估(編號:112農科-2.3.3-牧-U1(2-1)) 農業部 112/01/01 ~ 112/12/31
運用桑黃菌於麩皮發酵之應用性及開發機能性飼料研擬(編號:112農科-2.3.3-牧-U1(1-1)) 農業部 112/01/01 ~ 112/12/31
整合生產管理及產銷資訊之家禽諮詢顧問系統建置(編號:112農科-13.1.3-牧-U1(1-5)) 農業部 112/01/01 ~ 112/12/31
家禽產業結構調整計畫(編號:112救助調整-牧-02) 農業部 112/01/01 ~ 112/12/31
112年家禽產業結構調整計畫-烏骨雞藥殘合格輔導計畫 社團法人中華民國養雞協會 112/10/01 ~ 113/07/20
研究天然黑蒜液於肉雞飼料之應用與輔導 保證責任雲林縣詔安聯合社區合作農場 112/09/01 ~ 113/12/31
全能益生菌對肉雞的功效 全能營養技術股份有限公司 112/09/01 ~ 113/12/31

2. 已結案

109/08/01 ~ 112/07/31
以油柑枝葉作為家禽機能性飼料添加物之評估 (111農科-2.2.2-牧-U1(3))
調查及研究適合本土之鵪鶉飼養環境對產蛋率、蛋品質與排泄物氣味之影響 111農科-2.2.3-牧-U1(2)
以液化澱粉芽孢桿菌發酵黑水虻蛹殼作為雞隻機能性飼料添加物之應用(第二年) 111農科-2.3.3-牧-U1(3)
開發發酵豆渣作為伴侶動物飼料之研究 111農科-11.1.1-屏-f1(7)
開發天然機能飼料添加物於動物保健之應用-開發天然機能飼料添加物於動物保健之應用(3/3) (109-2321-B-005-016-)
109/06/01 ~ 110/05/31
探討以天然植生劑於改善紅羽母雞腹脂堆積之應用(110農科-2.2.2-牧-U1 (2))
109/01/01 ~ 110/12/31
發酵益生物質及酵素於家禽飼糧之應用(產學案109D548 )
109/03/01 ~ 110/12/31
益生菌及酵素之分析檢測與動物飼料之應用 (產學案109D567)
109/05/01 ~ 110/06/30
109.01.01 ~ 109.12.31
109.01.01 ~ 109.12.31
109.01.01 ~ 109.12.31
109.01.01 ~ 109.12.31
109.01.01 ~ 109.12.31
109/05/07 ~ 109/12/15
以小鼠模式探討保健配方及產品對腸道功能改善之評估 (產學案108D519)
108.02.20 ~ 109.12.31
108.01.01 ~ 109.12.31
108/01/01 ~ 109/12/31
108/06/01 ~ 109/12/31
108/07/01 ~ 109/12/31
108/10/01 ~ 110/03/31
108/10/01 ~ 110/01/31
利用硫磺菌發酵農業加工副產物生產益生性飼料及探討其對家禽免疫調控之分子機制(MOST107-2313-B-005 -037-MY2)
開發天然機能飼料添加物於動物保健之應用(II) (MOST108-2321-B-005 -002-)
JH Biotech,Inc.公司--佳和農化企業有限司
108/08/01 ~ 109/08/31
開發益生菌發酵物生產具免疫調節、抗氧化及抗菌之機能性飼料添加物 (108農科-21.1.7-牧-U1) (I)
107. 04.01 ~ 109.03.31
酵素與發酵益生質於水禽飼糧之應用 (產學案107D538)
107. 05.01 ~ 109.07.31
開發天然機能飼料添加物於動物保健之應用(I) (MOST107-2313-B-005 -006-)
建立紅羽土雞應用益生菌的飼養建議及肉品質分析 (108農科-2.2.2-牧-U2)
菇類副產物作為飼料添加物於蛋鴨飼糧之應用 (產學案108A510)
以蓖麻葉作為機能性飼料添加物之評估- in vivo (產學案108D202)
106. 10.01 ~ 108.12.31
酸化劑飼料添加物對白肉雞生長性能、腸道菌相及墊料性狀之影響 (產學案106D268)
106. 10.17 ~ 108.12.31
106. 10.15 ~ 108.12.31
應用益生菌及發酵益生質於鵝隻飼糧 (產學案106D636)
106. 10.01 ~ 108.12.31
應用發酵益生物質之飼料添加物於蛋鴨飼糧 (產學案106D645)
106. 10.01 ~ 108.12.31
107.10.08 ~ 108.12.31
108.02.15 ~ 108.12.31
108/03/01 ~ 108/12/31
利用硫磺菌發酵農業加工副產物生產益生性飼料及探討其對家禽免疫調控之分子機制(MOST106-2313-B-005 -048)
應用以褐腐真菌發酵富含木質纖維飼料原料及探討產生之代謝物對家禽抗氧化之分子機制(MOST 103-2628-B-005 -001 -MY3)-三年期優秀年輕學者研究計畫
103.08.01~ 106.07.31
開發植酸酶配合益生菌發酵物生產具免疫調節、抗氧化及抗菌之機能性飼料添加物 (107農科-22.1.6-牧-U1)
建立紅羽土雞應用益生菌的飼養建議及肉品質分析 (108農科-2.2.2-牧-U2)
菇類副產物作為飼料添加物於蛋鴨飼糧之應用 (產學案108A510)
以蓖麻葉作為機能性飼料添加物之評估- in vivo (產學案108D202)
開發土雞分齡飼養最佳效能模式 (產學案106D266) (106年度台灣土雞及特色家禽產業結構調整計畫) (106-救助調整-牧-09)
106.01.01 ~ 106.12.20
建立無藥殘烏骨雞飼養管理與檢驗之研析工作 (產學案106D267) (106年度台灣土雞及特色家禽產業結構調整計畫) (106-救助調整-牧-09)
106.01.01 ~ 106.12.20
非開放式與傳統開放式禽舍飼養家禽之生產效益評估計畫 (105-救助調整-牧-05(2) 生產評估) (產學案)
木黴菌發酵稻稈作為羊隻飼糧之應用 (104農科-2.3.3-牧-U1)
104.01.01~ 104.12.31
白腐真菌發酵稻稈作為反芻動物飼糧之應用 (103農科-2.1.3-牧-U1)
103.01.01~ 103.12.31
杏鮑菇白腐真菌發酵農業加工副產物生產機能性飼料原料及應用於動物試驗之研究 (MOST 101-2313-B-005 -050 -MY3) -三年期
101.08.01~ 104.07.31
蒜頭梗於蛋雞飼料之應用 (102農科-2.1.4-牧-U1)
102.03.01~ 102.12.31


  1. 李滋泰。動物營養與飼料。2022。牡丹山林雞-友善飼養手冊。pp 122-133.
  2. 李滋泰、吳弘毅、賴鴻裕。2022。養雞場墊料重複使用示範手冊。
  3. 李滋泰。蛋中雞飼養管理。2020。蛋中雞飼養管理手冊 pp 17-29.
  4. 李滋泰等中華民國養雞協會。美味的國家雞密。2020
  5. 李滋泰。生物安全守備廣泛,衛生管理與飼養管理缺一不可。2018。豐年雜誌4月號 pp 16-20.
  6. 李滋泰。安全畜產品生產-肉雞vs雞蛋。2017。科技報導。pp 4-6.
  7. 白肉雞謠言追追追。2017
  8. 小蛋品大知識。20142019 (第二版)。
  1. AJAS/CAPI Outstanding Research Award  The 15th AAAP/CAPI Outstanding Research Award (Most cited paper)
  2. 擔任109年度「開發家禽生產系統、加工技術及產品加值計畫」審查委員
  3. 擔任108年度「精進飼料品質、安全管理及開發飼料資源」審查委員
  4. 108年度擔任「飼料、牧草品質提升推動小組」審查委員
  5. 108年擔任「家禽流行性感冒防疫計畫」宣導會講師
  6. 擔任108年度農村再生基金計畫之「108農村社區家禽產業鏈環境改善永續經營計畫」現場查核委員
  7. 108年度「家禽流行性感防疫計畫」之講師
  8. 2019年10月擔任「家禽產業結構調整計畫」現場訪視委員
  9. 2019年度第二次「飼料源頭管理」會議委員
  10. 2019年度第一次「飼料源頭管理」會議委員
  11. 2019年11月「補助家禽產業購置家禽廢棄物處理設備」現場訪視委員
  12. 2019年10月「補助家禽產業購置家禽廢棄物處理設備」現場驗收委員
  13. 2019年8月擔任「家禽產業結構調整計畫」現場訪視委員
  14. 中國畜牧學會監事 (2019-至今)
  15. 擔任109年中華民國飼料檢驗學會理事
  16. 2019年10月雲林科技大學智慧農業管理學程,《講題:機能性飼料添加物於家禽飼養之應用》擔任講師
  17. 2019年7月「自製自用飼料戶-法規及自配飼料方法」擔任講師
  18. 2019臺灣大學NSFUSDA(無抗)資料編譯編譯委員
  19. 108年公務、關務人員升官等考試-命題及閱卷委員
  20. 108年交通事業郵政、公路、港務人員升資考試-命題及閱卷委員