邱文石 - 退休教授(本校榮退名譽教授)
邱文石 退休教授(本校榮退名譽教授)
國立中興大學 動物科學系 兼任教授 2006/08 ~
國立中興大學 畜產學系 兼任教授 2005/02 至 2006/07
國立中興大學 畜產學系 教授 1977/08 至 2005/01
國立中興大學 建教合作牧埸 主任 1972/08 至 1977/07
國立中興大學 畜牧獸醫學系 主任 1972/08 至 1977/07
國立中興大學 畜牧學系 副教授 1972/08 至 1977/07
  1. R. M. Jordan, J. W. Rust, and P.W.S. Chiou, 1970. Effect of energy levels provided ewe lambs post-weaning on their development and subsequent production. J. Anim. Sci. 31 (5): 950-955. SCI
  2. R. M. Jordan, and P.W.S. Chiou, 1971. Milk replacers boost lamb production. Minn. Sci. 28 (1): 11-13.
  3. R. M. Jordan, and P.W.S. Chiou, 1971. Converting bummers to bucks with lamb milk replacers. Feedstuffs 43 (19): 24-25.
  4. Chiou, P.W.S., and R. M. Jordan. 1973. Ewe milk replacer diets for young lambs I. Effect of age of lamb and dietary fat on digestibility of the diet, nitrogen retention and plasma constituents. J. Anim. Sci. 36:597-604. SCI
  5. Chiou, P.W.S., and R. M. Jordan. 1973. Ewe milk replacer diet for young lamb. II. Some effects of environmental temperature and dietary fat level on growth and feed utilization of young lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 36:604-607. SCI
  6. Chiou, P.W.S., and R. M. Jordan. 1973. Ewe milk replacer diets for young lambs. III. Effect of age of lambs and dietary fat levels on the body composition of young lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 36:607-612. SCI
  7. Chiou, P.W.S., and R. M. Jordan. 1973. Ewe milk replacer diets for young lambs. IV. Protein and energy requirements of young lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 37:581-587. SCI
  8. 邱文石。 1976。瘤胃甲烷抑制物及保護蛋白物對反芻動物之影響。臺灣農業季刊12(3):77-89。
  9. 邱文石、許振忠、余碧。1977。飼料添加抗生素對肉雞之影響。農林學報26:87-100
  10. 許振忠、邱文石。 1977。蒸熱加壓處理脫脂米糠及麩皮飼養肉雞初步研究。農林學報26:101-110。
  11. 邱文石、許振忠。1979。去纖維鳳梨葉渣營養價值之研究。農林學報28:109-116
  12. 余碧、邱文石。1979。肉雞飼料添加肉骨粉、羽毛粉之飼養價值。農林學報28:117-132。
  13. 許振忠、邱文石。1980。豬油渣粉代謝熱能值與飼養肉雞營養價值之研究。農林學報29:135-148。
  14. 邱文石、林聰哲,1980。數學規劃在飼料工業上之應用。電腦季刊14(2):31-41。
  15. 邱文石。1981。不同蒸氣加壓處理對麩皮營養價值之研究。農林學報30:129-140。
  16. 邱文石、許振忠。1982。蒸氣加壓處理對省產全脂米糠營養價值及肉雞飼養價值之研究。農林學報31:75-90。
  17. 翁慶豐、顏宏達、邱文石。1985。離乳仔豬對不同飼料蛋白質的利用(I) 生長和氮代謝。中畜會誌14 (1,2):17-26。
  18. 余碧、黃暉煌、詹德芳、邱文石。1985。纖維對家兔生長性狀及後腸醱酵之影響。中畜會誌14 (3,4):15-28。
  19. 余碧、邱文石、楊忠亮、黃暉煌。1987。免迴腸T型婁管之裝置及其消化率之探討。中畜會誌16 (3,4): 73-81。
  20. 楊吉宗、詹德芳、邱文石。1987。乳牛粗料限食之日糧中添加碳酸氫鈉對乳脂率及瘤胃內容物性狀之影響。中畜會誌16 (3,4): 49-61。
  21. 余碧、邱文石、詹德芳。1987。纖維對家兔消化道之影響。農林學報36:71-78。
  22. 李德南、邱文石、范揚廣。1988。日糧蛋白質與能量含量對Ο至㊇ 週齡土雞生長性狀與上市毛雞品質之影響。中畜會誌17 (1,2): 1-14。
  23. 邱文石、范揚廣、李德南。1988。日糧蛋白質與能量含量對㈨至㈩㈣週齡土雞生長性狀與上市毛雞品質之影響。農林學報37(1):83-96。
  24. 葉慶章、邱文石、范揚廣。1989。飼糧有效磷對Ο至㈣週齡台灣土雞生長性能、血液及骨骼性狀之影響。中畜會誌18 (3,4): 13-20。
  25. 李美珠、邱文石、范揚廣、楊忠亮、程中江。1989 。日糧中添加碳酸氫鈉對乳山羊泌乳及瘤胃性狀之影響。中畜會誌18 (3,4): 31-42。
  26. 邱文石、范揚廣、李德南。1990。飼糧蛋白質與能量含量對土雞營養分利用及屠體組成的影響。中畜會誌19 (1,2): 1-10。
  27. 范揚廣、許振忠、黃宗崑、邱文石。1991。飼糧中有效磷含量對9 至14 週齡台灣土雞生長性狀的影響。農林學報40 (1): 29-40。
  28. 黃宗崑、范揚廣、許振忠、邱文石。1991。飼糧中有效磷含量對㊄至㊇週齡台灣土雞生長性狀的影響。中畜會誌20 (2): 115-125。
  29. 余碧、邱文石。1992。纖維對家兔後腸揮發性脂肪酸產生與吸收之影響。中畜會誌21(1): 29-35。
  30. 陳乃菁、余碧、邱文石、曾浩洋,1993。Trichoderma reesei 纖維素酵素之生產培養條件與酵素活性之關係。農林學報,42 (2): 9-17。
  31. 施柏齡、許振忠、范揚廣、邱文石、余碧,1993。飼料中鈣含量對台灣土雞生長性狀的影響,I. Ο〜㈣週齡。中畜會誌,22(2):119-130。
  32. 施柏齡、許振忠、范揚廣、邱文石、余碧,1994。飼料中鈣含量對㊄〜㊇週齡台灣土雞生長性狀的影響。中畜會誌,23 (2): 127-137。
  33. Chiou, P. W. S., B. Yu, and C. Lin. 1994. Effect of different components of dietary fiber on the intestinal morphology of domestic rabbits. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 108A: 629-638. (Corresponding author) SCI
  34. Chiou, P.W.S., K.J. Chen, K.S. Kuo, J.C. Hsu, and B. Yu, 1995. Studies on the application of undegradable protein system to high yielding dairy cattle in Taiwan. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 54(1-4):93-102. (Corresponding author) SCI
  35. Chiou, P.W.S., K.J. Chen, K.S. Kuo, J.C. Hsu, and B. Yu, 1995. Study on the protein degradabilities of feedstuffs in Taiwan. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 55(3,4): 215-226. SCI
  36. 余碧、許振忠、邱文石。1996. 蛋白質水解酵素力價估測之研究。中畜會誌。25(2):149-159.
  37. Yu, B., and P.W.S. Chiou, 1996. Effect of crude fibre level in the diet on the intestinal morphology of growing rabbits. Lab. Anim. 30(2):143-148 (corresponding author) SCI
  38. Hsu, J.C., T. W. Lu, P.W.S. Chiou, and B. Yu, 1996. Effect of different sources of dietary fibre on growth performance and apparent digestibility in geese. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 60:93-102 (corresponding author) SCI
  39. Chiou, P.W.S., T.W. Lu, J.C. Hsu, and B. Yu. 1996. Effect of different sources of fiber on the intestinal morphology of domestic geese. Asian-Austr. J. Anim. Sci. 9(5):539-550 (Corresponding author)SCI
  40. Chiou, P.W.S., B. Yu, S.S. Wu, and K.J. Chen, 1997. Effect of dietary protein source on performances and rumen characteristics of dairy cows. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 68: 339-351(Corresponding author) SCI
  41. Chiou, P.W.S., K.L. Chen, and B. Yu, 1997. Toxicity, tissue accumulation and residue in egg and excreta of copper in laying hen. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 67: 49-60. (Corresponding author) SCI
  42. Yu, B., and P.W.S. Chiou, 1997. The morphological changes of intestinal mucosa in growing rabbits. Lab. Anim. 31:254-263. (corresponding author) SCI
  43. Chiou, P.W.S., K.L. Chen, and B. Yu, 1997. Effect of roxarsone on performance, toxicity, tissue accumulation and residue of eggs and excreta in laying hen. J. Sci. Food Agric. 74:229-236 (Corresponding author) SCI
  44. 邱文石。1997。探討乳牛蛋白質及能量系統。中畜會誌。26(增刊):37-50。(Invited speaker)
  45. Yu, B., C.C. Tsai, J.C. Hsu, and P.W.S. Chiou, 1998. Effect of different sources of dietary fibre on growth performance, intestine morphology and caecal carbohydrases of domestic goose. Brit. Poult. Sci. 39: 560-567. (corresponding author), SCI
  46. Hsu, J.C., C.Y. Lin, and P.W.S. Chiou, 1998. Effect of ambient temperature and methionine supplementation of a low protein diet on the performance of laying hens. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 74: 289-299. (corresponding author), SCI
  47. Chiou, P.W.S., C.R. Chen, K.J. Chen, and B. Yu, 1998. Wet brewers’ grains or bean curd pomance as a partial replacement soybean meal for lactating cows. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 74: 123-134. (Corresponding author) SCI
  48. 余碧、許振忠、李滋泰、邱文石,1998. 利用酵素擴散法測定飼料中添加之酵素活性。中畜會誌。27(1):25-34。
  49. Chiou, P.W.S., B. Yu, and C. Lin, 1998. The effect of different fibre components on growth rate, nutrient digestibility, rate of digesta passage and hindgut fermentation in domesticated rabbits. Lab. Anim. 32:276-283. (Corresponding author) SCI
  50. Chiou, P.W.S., K.L. Chen, and B. Yu, 1998. Effect of organic arsenicals and cupric sulfate on copper toxicity, liver accumulation and residue in eggs and excreta of laying hens. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 73:161-171. (Corresponding author) SCI
  51. Yu, B., J.C. Hsu, and P.W.S. Chiou, 1998. Effect of β-glucanase supplementation of barley diet on growth performance of broilers.  Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 70: 353-361. (corresponding author) SCI
  52. Huang, H.J., P.W.S. Chiou, C.R. Chen, J.K. Chiang, and B. Yu, 1999. Effects of dried rice distillers’s grain supplementation on the performance of lactating cows. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol.77: 303-315. (corresponding  author), SCI
  53. Chiou, P.W.S., C.L. Chen, K.L. Chen, and C.P. Wu, 1999. Effect of high dietary copper on the morphology of gastro-intestinal tract in broiler chickens. Asian-Austr. J. Anim. Sci.12(4): 548-553 (Corresponding author) SCI
  54. Chiou, P.W.S., B. Yu and S.S. Wu, 1999. Protein sub-fractons and amino acid profiles of rumen-undegradable protein in dairy cows from soybean, cottonseed and fishmeal. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 78: 65-80. (Corresponding author) SCI
  55. Yu, B., H.Y. Tsen, and P.W.S. Chiou, 1999. Caecal culture enhances performance and Salmonella infection in broiles. J. Appl. Poultry Res. 8:195-204. (corresponding author). SCI
  56. Chiou, P.W.S., 1999. Review: Non-conventional concentrates in temperate Asian-Australasian. countries. Asian-Austr. J. Anim. Sci. 12(3): 460-466. (Corresponding author)SCI
  57. Chiou, P.W.S., S.H. Chang, J.K. Chiang, B. Yu, and C.R. Chen, 1999. Studies on the use of wet sorghum distiller’s grains in lactating cows. Asian-Austr. J. Anim. Sci. 12(6): 895-900. (Corresponding author) SCI
  58. Lee, M.J., S.Y. wang, P.W.S. Chiou, 2000. Metabolizable energy of roughage in Taiwan. Small Ruminant Res. 36:251-259 (corresponding author). SCI
  59. Chiou, P.W.S., C.R. Chen, and B. Yu, 1999. Effects of Aspergillus Oryzae fermentation extract on in situ degradation of feedstuff. Asian-Austr. J. Anim. Sci. 13(8): 1076-1083. (Corresponding author) SCI
  60. Chiou, P.W.S., S.H. Chang and B. Yu, 1999. The effects of wet sorghum distillers’ grains inclusion on napiergrass silage quality. J.Sci. Food & Agric.80: 1199-1205. (Corresponding author)SCI
  61. Chiou, P.W.S., B. Yu and C.Y. Kuo, 1999. Comparison of fiber digestion among rabbits, guinea-pigs, rats and hamsters. I. Effect on performance, digestibility and rate of digesta passage. Asian-Austr. J. Anim. Sci. 13: 1499-1507. (Corresponding author) SCI
  62. Yu, B., P.W.S. Chiou and C.Y. Kuo, 1999. Comparison of fiber digestion among rabbits, guinea-pigs, rats and hamsters. II. Effects on digestive enzymes and hindgut fermentation. Asian-Austr. J. Anim. Sci. 13: 1508-1513 (corresponding author). SCI
  63. Chen, K.L., C.P. Wu and P.W.S. Chiou, 2000. Effect of roxarsone inclusion in the diet on performance and hepatic lipid metabolism in laying Tsaiya ducks. Brit. Poult. Sci. 41:363-369 (corresponding author). SCI
  64. Yu, B., W.J. Huang, and P.W.S. Chiou, 2000. Bioavailability of iron from amino acid complex in weanling pigs. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 86(1): 39-52 (corresponding author). SCI
  65. 李滋泰、邱文石、許振忠、余碧,2000. 以化學分析法評估蛋白質酶對不同蛋白質之利用 (1)對酪胺酸、可溶性蛋白質含量及含氮物水解率之影響。中畜會誌。29(1):22-20。
  66. 李滋泰、邱文石、許振忠、余碧,2000. 以化學分析法評估蛋白質酶對不同蛋白質之利用 (2)對飼料蛋白質水解物分佈之影響。中畜會誌。29(1):21-28。
  67. Chiou, P.W.S., H.C. Ku, C.R. Chen and B. Yu, 2001. Effects of Aspergillus Oryzaeinclusion on corn silage fermentation. Asian-Austr. J. Anim. Sci. 14:1568-1579.(Corresponding author) SCI
  68. Hwang, S.Y., M.J. Lee, and P.W.S. Chiou, 2000. Monitoring nutritional status of dairy cows in Taiwan using milk protein and urea nitrogen. Asian-Austr. J. Anim. Sci. 13: 1667-1673 (corresponding author). SCI
  69. Chiou, P.W.S., S.W. Chiu, and C.R. Chen, 2001. Value of aspergillus niger fermentation product as a dietary ingredient for broiler chickens. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 91(3,4): 171-182. (Corresponding author) SCI
  70. Chen, K.L., J.J. Lu, T.F. Lien and P.W.S. Chiou, 2000. Effects of chromium nicotinate on performance, carcass characteristics and blood chemistry of growing turkeys. Brit. Poult. Sci. 42: 395-400 (Corresponding author). SCI
  71. 陳國隆、盧金鎮、邱文石 2000. 白羅曼與中國鵝肝生產力之比較. 農林學報49(1):75-81.
  72. Lee, M.C, S.Y. Hwang, and P.W.S. Chiou, 2001. Application of rumen undegradable protein on early lactating dairy goats. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 14:1549-1554 (corresponding author). SCI
  73. Chen, K.L. and P.W.S. Chiou, 2001. Oral treatment of mule ducks with arsenicals for inducing fatty liver. Poul. Sci. 80: 295-301 (Corresponding author). SCI (NSC89-2313-B005-031)
  74. Yu, B., T.T.T. Lee, and P.W.S. Chiou, 2002. Effects of sources of protein and enzyme supplementation on protein digestibility and chyme characteriwstics in broilers.  Brit. Poult. Sci. 43(3): 424-431 (Corresponding author). SCI
  75. Fan, Y.K., Y.L. Lee, K.C. Chen, and P.W.S. Chiou, 2002. Effect of concentrate feeding frequency versus total mixed ration on lactational performance and ruminal characteristics of holstein cows.  Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 15(5): 658-664 (corresponding author). SCI
  76. Chiou, P.W.S., C.R. Chen and B. Yu, 2002. Effects of Aspergillus Oryzae fermentation extract on performance of lactating cows in summer and winter in Taiwan. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 15(3): 382-389. (corresponding author) SCI (NSC85-2321-B-081)
  77. Chen, K.J., D.F. Jan, P.W.S. Chiou and D.W. Yang, 2002. Effects of dietary heat extruded soybean meal and protected fat supplement on the production, blood and ruminal characteristics of Holstein cows. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 15: 821-827. SCI
  78. Yu, B., Y.M. Sun, and P.W.S. Chiou, 2002. Effects of glucanase inclusion in a de-hulled barley diet on the growth performance and nutrient digestion of broiler chickens. Anim. Feed Sci Technol. 102(1-4): 35-52 (corresponding author). SCI
  79. Lin, M.J., P.W.S. Chiou, S.C. Chang, J. Croom, and Y.K. Fan, 2003. Feeding value of high-old corn for Taiwan country chicken. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 16: 1348-1354. SCI
  80. 李美珠、黃森源、邱文石,2003。飼糧能量濃度對懷孕末期乳山羊生產性狀之影響。畜產研究 36:291-300。
  81. 李美珠、黃森源、邱文石,2003。飼糧能量濃度對泌乳中期乳山羊生產性狀之影響。畜產研究 36:327-336。
  82. Chen, C.R., B. Yu, and P.W.S. Chiou, 2004. Roughage energy and degradability estimation with Aspergillus Oryzae inclusion using Daisy® in vitro fermentation. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 17(1): 53-62. (corresponding author). (NSC85-2321-B-005-081) SCI
  83. 邱文石、池芳美、余碧、陳昭仁,2004。探討台灣反芻動物飼料原料之蛋白質與碳水化合物之分化。中畜會誌。33(4):235-248。(通訊作者)
  84. Yu, B., Y.C. Jan, T.K. Chung, T.T. Lee, and P.W.S. Chiou, 2004. Exogenous phytase activity in the gastrointestinal tract of broiler chickens. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 117:295-303 (corresponding author). SCI
  85. Chen, K.L., and P.W.S. Chiou, 2005. Effect of restrict feeding, Roxarsone or its analogues in inducing fatty livers in mule ducks. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 18(2): 241-248. (corresponding author) (NSC89-2313-B-005-103) SCI
  86. Chen, K.L., W.T. Chi, and P.W.S. Chiou, 2005. Caponization and testosterone implantation effects on blood lipid and lipoprotein profile in male chickens. Poultry Sci. 84(4): 547-552 (corresponding author). (NSC92-2313-B-005-041). SCI
  87. Chiang, C.C., B. Yu and P.W.S. Chiou, 2005. Effect of Xylanase supplementation to wheat-based diet on the performance and nutrient availability of broiler chickens. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 18(8): 1141-1146. SCI
  88. Chen, K. L., M. H. Chang, S. M. Tsay, H. Y. Hurng, and P. W. S.  Chiou. 2006. Effects of caponization on bone characteristics and histological structure in chickens. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 19(2): 245-251. (corresponding author) SCI
  89. 林旻蓉、張伸彰、邱文石、李得南、范揚廣 2005。 高油分玉米之代謝能含量之比較。 中國畜牧學會會誌 34(4): 231-242。
  90. Wu, C. P., S. M. Tsay, Peter W. S. Chiou, and K. L. Chen.2006. Recovery over time of production performance and biological functions of laying hens after withdrawal toxic levels of dietary roxarsone. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 19(1): 48-54. SCI
  91. Chen, K. L., M. H. Chang, S. M. Tsay, H. Y. Hurng, and P. W. S.  Chiou. 2006. Effects of caponization on bone characteristics and histological structure in chickens. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 19(2): 245-251. (Corresponding author) (NSC93-2313-B-005-010) SCI
  92. Chen, K.L., and P.W.S. Chiou, 2006. Effects of dietary arsenical inclusion on lipid metabolism and liver function in mule ducks. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 19(3): 412-417. (Corresponding author) SCI
  93. Chiou, P.W.S., C.H. Chuang. B. Yu, S.Y. Hwang and C.R. Chen, 2006. Application of Cornell net carbohydrate and protein system to lactating cows in Taiwan. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 19(6): 857-864. (Corresponding author) (NSC89-2313-B-005-003) SCI
  94. Chen, K.L., T.Y. Hsieh and P.W.S. Chiou, 2006. Caponization effects on growth performance and lipid metabolism in Taiwan country chicken cockerels. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 19(3): 438-443. (Corresponding author) (NSC91-2313-B-005-129) SCI
  95. Chen, K.L., S.M. Tsay, T.Y. Lee and P.W.S. Chiou 2006. Effects of caponization and different exogenous androgen on the bone characteristics of male chickens. Poultry Sci. 85(11): 1975-1979. (Corresponding author) NSC93-2313-B-005-010) SCI
  96. Yu, B., S.T. Wu, C.C. Liu, R. Gauthier and P.W.S. Chiou, 2007. Effects of enzyme inclusion in a maize-soybean diet on broiler performance. Anim. Feed Sci. & Technol. 134:283-294.(Corresponding author) SCI
  97. Yu, B., J.B. Liu, Y.R. Hsu and P.W.S. Chiou, 2007. Effects of of probiotics Lactobacillus reuteri Pg4 strain on intestinal characteristics and performance in broilers. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 20(8): 1243-1251. SCI
  98. Chen, K. L., S.M. Tsay, D.Y. Lo, F.J. Kuo, J.H. Wang and Peter W. S. Chiou. 2007. Effects of caponization and testosterone on bone and blood parameters of SCWL male chickens. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 20(5): 706-710. SCI
  99. Chen, K.L. W.T. Chi, C. Chu, R.S. Chen, and P.W.S. Chiou, 2007. Effect of caponization and testosterone implantation on hepatic lipids and lipogenic enzymes in male chickens. Poul. Sci., 86:1754-1759 (Corresponding author). (NSC92-2313-B-005-041). SCI
  100. Chen, K.L., T.T. Chen, K.J. Lin, and P.W.S. Chiou, 2007. The Effects of Caponization Age on Muscle Characteristics in Male Chicken. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 20(11): 1684-1688 (Corresponding author) SCI
  101. Yu, B., J.R. Liu, M.Y. Chiou, Y.R. Hsu, and P.W.S. Chiou, 2008. Evaluation of Lactobacillus reuteri Pg4 strain expressing heterologous β-glucanase as a probiotic in poultry diets based on barley. Anim. Feed Sci. & Technol. 141(1,2): 82-91 SCI
  102. Lee, D.N., W.F. Chang, I.T. Wu, P.W.S. Chiou, and CF Weng, 2008. Effects of diets supplemented with recombinant epidermal growth factor and glutamine on gastrointestinal tract development of early-weaned piglets. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 21(4): 582-589 SCI
  103. Yu, B., J.R. Liu, F.S. Hsiao, T.T. Lee, and P.W.S. Chiou, 2008. The probiotic and adherence properties of Lactobacillus reuteri Pg4 expressing the rumen microbial β-glucanase. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 21(9): 1324-1329 (Corresponding author) SCI
  104. Chiang, C.C., J. Croo, S.T. Chuang, P.W.S. Chiou and B. Yu, 2008. Development of a dynamic system simulating pig gastric digestion. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 21(10): 1522-1528. SCI
  105. Chen, K.L., T.Y. Lee, T.W. Chen, and P.W.S. Chiou, 2009. Effect of caponization and different exogenous androgen on hepatic lipid and β-oxidase of male chickens. Poul. Sci., 88:1033-1039 (Corresponding author) SCI
  106. Chen, C.C., Y.C. Shih, P.W.S. Chiou, and B. Yu, 2010. Evaluating nutritional quality of single stage- and two stage-fermented soybean meal. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 23(5): 598-606 SCI
  107. Chen, K.L., S.M. Tsay, P.W.S. Chiou, C.P. Sun, and B.C. Weng, 2010. Effects of caponization and different forms of exogenous androgen implantation on immunity in male chicks. Poul. Sci., 89: 887-894 SCI
  108. Chen, K.L., T.Y. Lee, C.C. Huaang, Y.C. Chen and P.W.S. Chiou, 2010. Effects of caponization and exogenous androgens implantation on blood lipid and lipoprotein profile in male chickens. Poul. Sci., 88:1033-1039 (Corresponding author) SCI
  109. Wu, H.H., B.B.C. Weng, K.L. Chen, P.W.S. Chiou, and B Yu, 2010. Effects of dietary supplementation of β-1,3-1,6-glucan on reproductive performance and immunity of New Zealand white does and their pups. Livst. Prod. Sci. 135:70-75. SCI
  110. Lee, T.T., Y.F. Huang, C.C. Chiang, T.K. Chung, P.W.S. Chiou, and B Yu, 2011. Starch characteristics and their influences on in vitro and pig prececal starch digestion. J. Agri. Food Chem. 59: 7353-7359. SCI
  1. 施柏齡、許振忠、范揚廣、邱文石,1990。台灣土雞(0〜4)鈣需要量之探討。中畜會誌,19 (增刊):39。
  2. 陳乃菁、曾浩洋、邱文石、余碧,1991。Trichoderma reesei 纖維分 解酵素的生產條件與分離純化。中畜會誌,20 (增刊):52。
  3. 林正、邱文石、余碧,1991 。兔日糧纖維成分對其營養成分利用及消化道組織之影響。中畜會誌,20 (增刊):63。
  4. 范揚廣、邱文石,1991。高產乳牛之飼料配方。八十年度飼料製造技術研討會專輯,pp.56-72。
  5. 呂大衛、邱文石、許振忠,1993。日糧纖維來源對鵝飼料中營養成分消化率之影響。中畜會誌,22 (增刊) :106。
  6. 郭坤生、邱文石、許振忠、陳坤照,1993。本省常用乳牛飼料中蛋白質降解評估。中畜會誌,22 (增刊):116。
  7. 郭坤生、邱文石、許振忠、陳坤照,1993。NRC 新蛋白質系統應用於本省高產乳牛之研究。中畜會誌,22 (增刊):76。
  8. 陳國隆、邱文石,1994。日糧銅、砷含量對產蛋雞生產性狀,肝臟機能及肝臟、雞蛋、排泄物殘留之研究。中畜會誌,23 (增刊):73。
  9. 陳坤照、吳錫勳、邱文石、余碧,1994。不同蛋白質來源對乳牛泌乳性能之影響。中畜會誌,23(增刊):144。
  10. 陳銘鴻、詹德芳、邱文石,1995。過量飼糧離銨酸對台灣土雞生長表現、屠體組成及血液性狀之影響。中畜會誌,24(增刊):92。
  11. 李美珠、黃森源、邱文石,1995。乳山羊懷孕末期與泌乳初期飼予不同蛋白質水準對血液及乳成分關係之探討。中畜會誌,24(增刊):159。
  12. 郭仲益、邱文石、余碧,1995。家兔、天竺鼠、大白鼠及倉鼠對日糧纖維消化及盲腸纖維水解酵素分佈之探討。中畜會誌,24(增刊):169。
  13.  陳昭仁、邱文石、陳坤照,1995。利用啤酒粕及豆腐渣於泌乳牛飼糧之研究。中畜會誌,24(增刊):171。
  14. Chiou, P.W.S., K.L. Chen, and B. Yu, 1996. Toxicity, tissue accumulation and residue in egg and excreta of copper and arsenic in laying hens. Proc. XX World's Poult. Congr.(IV): 268,  Sept. 2-5, 1996. India.
  15. 林源隆、陳坤照、范揚廣、邱文石,1996。比較不同給飼頻率之料與完全混合日糧對泌乳牛之影響。中畜會誌,25(增刊): 152。
  16. 黃森源、李美珠、邱文石,1996。不同能量蛋白質比率對泌乳牛血清尿素氮、乳蛋白及乳尿素氮濃度之影響。中畜會誌,25(增刊): 153
  17. 黃憲榮、陳昭仁、蔣汝國、邱文石,1996。添加米酒糟對泌乳牛生產性狀之影響。中畜會誌,25(增刊):154。
  18. 陳昭仁、余碧、邱文石,1996。Aspergillus Oryzae 醱酵抽出物對in vitro瘤胃醱酵之影響。中畜會誌,25(增刊):155。
  19. 李美珠、黃森源、邱文石、程中江,1996。不同能量蛋白質比率對泌乳中期乳山羊血液及乳成分之影響。中畜會誌,25(增刊):76。
  20. Chiou, P.W.S., C.Y. Lin, and J.C. Hsu, 1997. Effect of ambient temperature and amino acids supplement to low protein diet on the performance of laying hens. Proc. 11th European Symp. on Poult. Nutr.:383-385, Aug. 24-28,  Faarborg, Denmark.
  21. Yu, B., H.Y. Tsen, and P.W.S. Chiou, 1997. The role of  caecal culture in the prevention of Salmonellacolonizatin in broiler chicken. Proc. 11th European Symp. on Poult. Nutr. :517-519, Aug. 24-28, Faarborg,Denmark.
  22. 邱琇雯、邱文石、許清森,1997。飼糧添加單細胞蛋白質對大白鼠生長、血液性狀及肝臟功能之影響。中畜會誌,26(增刊):163.
  23. 顧曉哲、陳昭仁、邱文石,1997。青貯玉米添加生菌劑(Aspergillus Oryzae)效果之評估。中畜會誌,26(增刊):215.
  24. 陳昭仁、蔣汝國、邱文石,1997。添加生菌劑(Aspergillus Oryzae)對泌乳牛生產性能之影響。中畜會誌,26(增刊):212.
  25. 張書豪、蔣汝國、邱文石,1997。添加高粱酒粕對乳牛泌乳性能之影響。中畜會誌,26(增刊):213.
  26. 張書豪、 顧曉哲、蔣汝國、邱文石,1997。添加高粱酒粕於狼尾草青貯料之影響。中畜會誌,26(增刊):214.
  27. 李美珠、黃森源、邱文石、程中江、邱紹清,1997。飼糧能量濃度對懷孕末期乳山羊生產性狀之影響。中畜會誌,26(增刊):88.
  28. 吳政一、余碧、邱文石,1997。添加乳糖對外源乳酸桿菌在廔管兔腸道內埋殖之影響。中畜會誌,26(增刊):87.
  29. 林煒欽、阮喜文、邱文石,1997。Revised Simplex Method 在電腦飼料配方上之應用。中畜會誌,26(增刊):216.
  30. 林旻蓉、范揚廣、邱文石、張伸彰,1997。高油分玉米對肉用台灣土雞生長性能和屠體性狀之影響。中畜會誌,26(增刊):84
  31. 邱文石,1996. 飼糧纖維來源對家鵝腸道形態之影響。”第四屆兩岸三地優質肉雞的改良、生長及發展” 研討會. Nov. 11-15 1997, 香港.
  32. 邱文石,1997.如何決定飼料配方之營養量。京台現代農業合作研討會. Oct. 14-17 1997, 北京.
  33. 邱文石,1998。味精副產物之發酵產品對肉雞飼糧之研究。”第五屆兩岸三地優質肉雞的改良、生長及發展” 研討會論文集:158-159. Nov. 22-27 1998, 武夷山,福建.
  34. 陳國隆、吳建平、邱文石,1998。台灣土雞不同周齡對生長性狀及屠體性狀之影響。”第五屆兩岸三地優質肉雞的改良、生長及發展” 研討會論文集:190-192. Nov. 22-27 1998, 武夷山,福建.
  35. Chiou, P.W.S., 1998. Non-conventional concentrates in temperate Asian-Australasian countries. Proc. 8thWorld Conf. Anim. Prod. (Pre-Conf. Symp.): 278-286, June 28 - July 4, 1998, Seoul, Korea. (Invited speaker).
  36. Lee, M.J., S.Y. Huang, and P.W.S. Chiou, 1998. Application of in vitro ME evaluation on roughage in Taiwan. Proc. 8th World Conf. Anim. Prod. (Contr. Paper Vol. I): 508-509, Jun. 28 – Jul. 4, 1998, Seoul, Korea.
  37. Chen, C.R., B. Yu, and P.W.S. Chiou, 1998. Effect of Apergillus Oryzae fermentation extract on summer and winter performance of lactating cows. Proc. 8th World Conf. Anim. Prod. (Contr. Paper Vol. I):310-311, Jun. 28 – Jul. 4, 1998, Seoul, Korea.
  38. Chang, S.H., J.K. Chiang, and P.W.S. Chiou, 1998. The effect of wet sorghum distillers grains supplementation on the performance, ruminal characteristics of lactating cows. Proc. 8th World Conf. Anim. Prod. (Contr. Paper Vol. I): 20-21, Jun. 28 – Jul. 4, 1998, Seoul, Korea.
  39. Chiou, P.W.S., C.L. Chen, K.L. Chen, and C.P. Wu, 1998. Effect of high dietary copper on the morphology of GI tract in broiler chickens. Proc. 10th Europ. Poult. Conf. (Abstract):102, Jun. 21-26, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel.
  40. Yu, B., C.F. Chang, and P.W.S. Chiou, 1998, Effects of b-glucanase supplementation of barley diet on growth performance and GI characteristics of broilers. Proc. 10th Europ. Poult. Conf. (Abstract): 102, Jun.21-26, 1998, Jerusalem, Israel.
  41. Fan, Y.K., M.R. Lin, and P.W.S. Chiou, 1998. Feeding value of high oil corn for Taiwan country chicken, Proce. 6th Asian Pacif. Poult. Cong.: 412-413, Jun. 4-7, 1998, Nagoya, Japan.
  42. 陳昭仁、邱文石、劉振瑯,1998。啤酒粕添加對乳牛泌乳性能之影響。中畜會誌,27(增刊):70.
  43. 陳昭仁、余碧、邱文石,1998。本省常用乳牛原料蛋白質份化 (Fraction)之研究。中畜會誌,27(增刊):71.
  44. 黃森源、李美珠、邱文石,1998。以牛乳蛋白質和尿素氮含量供作餵飼監控。中畜會誌,27(增刊):76.
  45. 李美珠、黃森源、邱文石、程中江、邱紹清,1998。飼糧能量對泌乳初期乳山羊生產性狀之影響。中畜會誌,27(增刊):77.
  46. 李美珠、黃森源、邱文石,1998。瘤胃未降解蛋白質對泌乳初期乳山羊生產性狀之影響。中畜會誌,27(增刊):78.
  47. 孫玉玫、邱文石、余碧,1998。聚葡萄糖每及非澱粉多醣類對肉雞之影響。中畜會誌,27(增刊):137.
  48. 李滋泰、邱文石、余碧,1998。蛋白質水解酵素對不同蛋白質來源作用之探討:2.不同飼料蛋白質添加蛋白質水解酵素對肉雞營養分利用率之影響。中畜會誌,27(增刊):139.
  49. 邱秀雯、邱文石、許清森,1998。味精加工廠廢液飼料化之研究:(1)大白鼠世代間之生長及安全性狀。中畜會誌,27(增刊):141.
  50.  邱秀雯、邱文石、許清森,1998。味精加工廠廢液飼料化之研究:(2)肉雞生長及安全性狀。中畜會誌,27(增刊):142.
  51. 黃威然、邱文石、余碧,1998。有機鐵對離乳仔豬之影響。中畜會誌,27(增刊):143.
  52. 吳政一、邱文石、余碧,1998。外源乳酸桿菌對家兔生長與腸道發酵作用之影響。中畜會誌,27(增刊):148.
  53. Chiou, P.W.S., B. Yu and C.Y. Kui, 1999. Comparison of fiber digestion among rabbits, guinea-pigs, rats and hamsters. I. Effect on performance, digestibility and rate of digesta passage. Proceeding of the 5thInternational Symnposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores. April 11-16 1999. Texas A&M, Texas.
  54. Yu, B., P.W.S. Chiou and C.Y. Kui, 1999. Comparison of fiber digestion among rabbits, guinea-pigs, rats and hamsters. II. Effects on digestive enzymes and hindgut fermentation. Proceeding of the 5th International Symnposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores. April 11-16, 1999. Texas A&M, Texas.
  55. Chen, C.R., Chiou, P.W.S. and B. Yu, 1999. Effects of Aspergillus Oryzae fermentation extract on in situdegradation of feedstuff in Taiwan. Proceeding of the 5th International Symnposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores. April 11-16 1999. Texas A&M, Texas.
  56. Chiou, P.W.S., K.L. Chen, 1999. Effects of arsenic inclusion in the diet on the fatty liver and tissues of the mule ducks. Proceeding of the 1st World Waterfowl Conference: 297-302. Dec. 1-4, 1999, Taichung, Taiwan.
  57. Chen, K.L., C.P. Wu and P.W.S. Chiou, 1999. Effect of roxarsone inclusion in the diet on performance and hepatic lipid metabolism in laying Tsaiya ducks. Proceeding of the 1st World Waterfowl Conference: 333-337. Dec. 1-4, 1999, Taichung, Taiwan.
  58. 黃森源、李美珠、邱文石,1999。台灣乳牛分娩前飼糧陽陰離子差值之調查。中畜會誌,28(增刊):87.
  59. 江嘉純、邱文石、余碧,1999。小麥中可溶性非澱粉多醣類對肉雞腸道菌相、揮發性脂肪酸及絨毛形態之影響。中畜會誌,28(增刊):102.
  60. 梁筱梅、邱文石,1999。味精加工廠廢液飼料化之研究(3)土雞生長及安全性狀。中畜會誌,28(增刊):175.
  61. 梁筱梅、邱文石,1999。味精加工廠廢液飼料化之研究(4)土雞屠體性狀及肉質品質。中畜會誌,28(增刊):176.
  62. 李美珠、黃森源、邱文石、程中江、邱紹清,1999。飼糧不同能量濃度對泌乳中期乳山羊生產性狀之影響。中畜會誌,28(增刊):197.
  63. 李滋泰、許育如、邱文石、余碧,1999。外源蛋白酵素對不同飼料蛋白質作用之探討(4)對肉雞腸內蛋白質消化酵素之影響。中畜會誌,28(增刊):199.
  64. 陳國隆、吳建平、邱文石,1999。洛克沙生對肉雞生長性狀、肝臟機能及腿部疾病之影響。中畜會誌,28(增刊):203.
  65. Chiou, P.W.S., 2000. Protein and carbohydrate fractions of feedstuffs in Taiwan. Proc. A.A.A.P. Sydney, Australia, Jul 2-5, 2000.
  66. Yu, B., T.T.T. Lee and P.W.S. Chiou, 2000. Effects of sources of protein and enzyme supplement on protein digestibility and chyme characteristics in broilers. Ln: Animal Production for a Consuming World, Asian-Austr J. Anim. Sci. (Supp.), Vol A: 157.
  67. M.J. Lee, S.Y. Huang, P.W.S. Chiou, C.K. Chen and S.C. Chiou, 2000. Effect of dietary energy on the performance of lactating dairy goats. Ln: Animal Production for a Consuming World, Asian-Austr J. Anim. Sci. (Supp.),
  68. Liang, H.M. and P.W.S. Chiou, 2000. Nutritional and toxicological evaluation of Aspergillus nigerfermentation product on Taiwan Country Chicken. Poult. Sci. Assoc. 89th Annual meeting, Aug. 18-21, 2000. Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Pp. 164 (Abstr.)
  69. 李美珠、黃森源、邱文石、程中江、邱紹清,2000。飼糧不同蛋白質濃度對泌乳初期山羊生產性狀之影響。中畜會誌,29(增刊):83.
  70. 陳國隆、楊琇雅、吳建平、邱文石,2000。飼糧添加酸或鹼對小火雞骨骼性狀之影響。中畜會誌,29(增刊):202.
  71. 陳國隆、杞文慈、廖元章、邱文石,2000。飼糧添加洛克沙生及停藥後對產蛋雞生產性狀及肝臟脂質代謝之影響。中畜會誌,29(增刊):204.
  72. 黃森源、劉世賢、邱文石,2000。分娩前後體態評分與乳牛繁殖性狀之關係。中畜會誌,29(增刊):213.
  73. 林育徽、陳昭仁、李美珠、邱文石,2000。應用in vitro氣體生成法評估不同成熟期對芻料降解之影響。中畜會誌,29(增刊):214.
  74. 莊志豪、陳昭仁、黃森源、邱文石,2000。應用康乃爾新淨能及代謝蛋白質系統於泌乳牛之研究。中畜會誌,29(增刊):215.
  75. 池芳美、陳昭仁、邱文石,2000。乳牛飼料原料碳水化合物份化物(Fractions)之研究。中畜會誌,29(增刊):216.
  76. 池芳美、陳昭仁、邱文石,2000。乳牛飼料原料營養分之瘤胃降解速率及降解率。中畜會誌,29(增刊):217.
  77. 杞文慈、陳國隆、邱文石,2001。土番鴨親代脂蛋白成分及結構之比較。中畜會誌,30(4):230.
  78. 林育徽、李美珠、黃森源、邱文石,2001。應用In vitro氣體生成法研究芻料之動態降解變化。中畜會誌,30(4):228.
  79. 謝琛悅、陳國隆、邱文石,2001。台灣土雞之閹雞及復陽雞之脂質代謝。中畜會誌,30(4):229.
  80. 陳昭仁、范彥驥、邱文石,2001。利用DAISY in vitro尼龍袋法評估Apergillus oryzae醱酵抽出物對營養分降解率之影響。中畜會誌,30(4):104.
  81. 陳昭仁、邱文石,2001。添加啤酒粕於青貯料之影響。中畜會誌,30(4):105.
  82. 林晏蓉、張伸彰、邱文石、范揚廣,2001。以成熟公雞測定高油分玉米和黃玉米代謝能含量差異之比較。中畜會誌,30(4):234.
  83. 李美珠、黃森源、邱文石、邱紹清、程中江,2001。飼糧不同蛋白質濃度對泌乳中期山羊生產性狀之影響。中畜會誌,30(4):249.
  84. 林晏蓉、邱文石、張伸彰、范揚廣,2001。高油分玉米於肉用台灣土雞之飼養價值。”第六屆兩岸三地優質肉雞的改良、生長及發展” 研討會. Nov. 26-27, 2001, 台北. Pp. 166-168.
  85. 謝琛悅、陳國隆、邱文石,2001。台灣土雞之公、母、閹及復陽雞屠體及血液性狀之比較。”第六屆兩岸三地優質肉雞的改良、生長及發展” 研討會. Nov. 26-27, 2001, 台北. Pp. 245-248.
  86. 謝琛悅、陳國隆、邱文石,2002。閹割對台灣土公雞脂質生成及代謝。中畜會誌,31(4):87.
  87. 蔡智恆、趙清賢、陳國隆、邱文石,2002。動情素閹割對公雞脂質蓄積之影響。中畜會誌,31(4):240.
  88. 范彥驥、李美珠、邱文石,2002。飼糧碳水化合物與蛋白質降解速率之搭配對乳山羊泌乳性能之影響。中畜會誌,31(4):273.
  89. 吳錫勳、廖元章、邱文石,2002。比較不同NRC營養系統對泌乳牛生產性能之影響。中畜會誌,31(4):265.
  90. 李宗育、黃鈐詒、洪紹凱、楊清刻、陳秋麟、陳國隆、邱文石,2002。埋殖睪固酮對去勢公雞免疫性狀之影響。中畜會誌,31(4):249.
  91. 杞文慈、陳國隆、邱文石,2002。強制灌食對各品種鴨隻脂蛋白成分及結構之影響。中畜會誌,31(4):243.
  92. 蔡秀敏、黃鈐詒、林昱忻、陳秋麟、邱文石、陳國隆,2002。去勢對雞隻免疫反應之影響。中畜會誌,31(4):242.
  93. 蔡秀敏、楊國鑫、陳國隆、邱文石,2002。鴨隻組織器官臨床酵素之探討。中畜會誌,31(4):83.
  94. 杞文慈、邱文石、陳國隆,2002。去勢及外源睪固酮對雞隻脂質生成之影響。中畜會誌,31(4):90.
  95. 陳綵慈、李宗育、蔡秀敏、陳國隆、邱文石,2002。土番鴨及其親代血液化學性狀之比較。中畜會誌,31(4):187.
  96. Chiou, P.W.S., and K.L. Chen, 2003. Effect of force feeding and dietary arsenical inclusion on hepatic lipogenesis and lipid metabolism of mule ducks. Proceeding of the 2nd World Waterfowl Conference, October 2003, Alexandria, Egypt (NSC89-2313-B-005-103).
  97. Chen, K.L., and P.W.S. Chiou, 2003. Effect of restrict feeding, Roxarsone and its analogues inclusion in inducing fatty livers of mule ducks. Proceeding of the 2nd World Waterfowl Conference, October 2003, Alexandria, Egypt (NSC89-2313-B-005-103).
  98. 江嘉純、邱文石、余碧,2003. 豬胃動態模擬模式之研發。中畜會誌,32(4):96.
  99. 杞文慈、陳國隆、邱文石,2003。去勢及外源睪固酮對公雞脂質生成相關內泌素之影響。中畜會誌,32(4):97.
  100. 洪靖崎、陳國隆、邱文石,2003。不同外源雄性素對早期去勢公雞脂蛋白結構之影響。中畜會誌,32(4):98.
  101. 陳綵慈、黃東英、林高塚、邱文石、陳國隆,2003。雄性素增加成熟雞隻肌原纖維蛋白質三磷酸腺酶的活性。中畜會誌,32(4):107.
  102. 蔡秀敏、陳秋麟、吳建平、陳國隆、邱文石,2003。不同外源雄性素對早期去勢公雞免疫反應及血液學之影響。中畜會誌,32 (4):181.
  103. 李宗育、蘇義文、陳國隆、邱文石,2003。公雞去勢及不同外源雄性素對雞隻成熟熟後脂質生成之影響。中畜會誌,32(4):184.
  104. 蔡智恆、許振忠、王建雄、邱文石、陳國隆,2003。去勢及睪固酮埋殖對雞隻消化道性狀及組織耗氧量之影響。中畜會誌,32(4):185.
  105. 黃鈐詒、蔡智恆、郭鳳瑞、洪愰祐、邱文石、陳國隆,2003。去勢及埋殖外源雄性素對雞隻骨骼性狀之影響。中畜會誌,32(4):186.
  106. 洪靖崎、陳綵慈、陳國隆、邱文石,2003。飼糧中添加β-1,3及β-1,3/1.6 glucan對雞蛋中膽固醇含量之影響。中畜會誌,32(4):228.
  107. K.L. Chen, P.W.S. Chiou, and W.T. Chi, 2004. The effect of castration and testosterone implantation on blood and lipoprotein profile of male chickens. Proceeding of WWII World Poultry Congress, pp. 235. June 8-12, Istanbul, Turkey. (NSC91-2313-005-129)
  108. Chiou, P.W.S., K.L. Chen, and W.T. Chi, 2004. The effect of castration on growth performance and lipid metabolism in Taiwan country chicken cockerels. Proceeding of WWII World Poultry Congress, pp. 236, June 8-12, Istanbul, Turkey. (NSC92-2313-005-041)
  109. Yu, B., T.T.T. Lee, P.W.S. Chiou, 2004. Characterization of Lactobacillus Reuteri Pg4 strain for use as probiotic in broilers. Proceeding of WWII World Poultry Congress, pp. 486. June 8-12, Istanbul, Turkey.
  110. Chen, K.L., W.T. Chi, and P.W.S. Chiou, 2004. The effect of castration and testosterone implantation on alipoprotein in male chickens. New Dimensions and Challenges for Sustainable Livestock Farming Vo. III. Pp. 80-829. The Asian-Austr. Assoc. Anim. Prod. Soc. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (NSC91-2313-005-129)
  111. Lee, T.Y., L.Y. Huang, K.L. Chen, P.W.S. Chiou, 2004. The effect of castration and exogenous androgen implantation on bone characteristics of mature cockerel. New Dimensions and Challenges for Sustainable Livestock Farming Vo. III. Pp. 131-134. The Asian-Austr. Assoc. Anim. Prod. Soc. Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia. (NSC91-2313-005-129).
  112. Change, M.T., K.L. Chen, P.W.S. Chiou, C. Chu and J.T. Ou, 2004. Effect of β 1, 3-glucan on immune response in chicken infected with Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis was investigated. New Dimensions and Challenges for Sustainable Livestock Farming Vo. II. Pp. 232-236. The Asian-Austr. Assoc. Anim. Prod. Soc. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  113. Chen, T.T., K.L. Chen, K.J. Lin and P.W.S. Chiou, 2004. The effect of androgens on muscle quality and quantity in male chicken. New Dimensions and Challenges for Sustainable Livestock Farming Vo. II. Pp. 310-313. The Asian-Austr. Assoc. Anim. Prod. Soc. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  114. Hung, C.C., K.L. Chen and P.W.S. Chiou, 2004. Effect of androgens on lipoprotein and apolipoprotein composition in growing male chickens. New Dimensions and Challenges for Sustainable Livestock Farming Vo. II. Pp. 314-317. The Asian-Austr. Assoc. Anim. Prod. Soc. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  115. Chi, W.T., K.L. Chen and P.W.S. Chiou, 2004. Effect of castration and testosterone implantation on hepatic lipid and lipogenic enzyme in male chickens. New Dimensions and Challenges for Sustainable Livestock Farming Vo. II. Pp. 318-320. The Asian-Austr. Assoc. Anim. Prod. Soc. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  116. Tsay, S.M., K.L. Chen and P.W.S. Chiou, 2004. Testosterone implantation on the bone characteristics in castrated male chickens. New Dimensions and Challenges for Sustainable Livestock Farming Vo. II. Pp. 321-324. The Asian-Austr. Assoc. Anim. Prod. Soc. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  117. 李宗育、陳國隆、邱文石,2004。公雞去勢及埋植不同外源雄性素對肝臟脂質生成及氧化酵素之影響。中畜會誌。33(增刊):83。
  118. 蔡秀敏、張銘煌、郭鳳瑞、邱文石、陳國隆,2004。去勢對公雞骨骼性狀及組織學之影響。中畜會誌。33(增刊):246。
  119. 楊清刻、游上輝、邱士豪、余碧、邱文石、陳國隆,2004。飼糧添加乾燥廚餘對台灣土雞生長、屠體性狀及官能品評之影響。中畜會誌。33(增刊):84。
  120. 張慕慈、廖伊慧、翁博群、歐炯雄、邱文石、陳國隆,2004。β-聚葡萄糖對雞隻細胞性免疫、T淋巴球亞群及感染炎沙門氏菌抑菌之影響。中畜會誌。33(增刊):76。
  121. 廖伊慧、張慕慈、趙羚雅、翁博群、歐炯雄、邱文石、陳國隆,2004。β-1,3-聚葡萄糖對抑制雞隻感染腸炎及雛白痢沙門氏菌之效果及雞巨噬細胞吞噬能力之影響。中畜會誌。33(增刊):244。
  122. 黃鈴詒、葉瑞涵、洪紹凱、邱文石、陳國隆,2004。飼糧中添加β-1,3-glucan對雞隻抵抗球蟲感染之影響。中畜會誌。33(增刊):245。
  123. 柯瑋羚、洪靖崎、林宛燕、陳國隆、邱文石,2004。雄性素對性成熟前公雞肝臟脂質生成及氧化酵素之影響。中畜會誌。33(增刊):248。
  124. 蔡秀敏、洪紹凱、翁博群、陳國隆、邱文石,2004。不同外源雄性素對早期去勢公雞週邊血液淋巴球次族群之影響。中畜會誌。33(增刊):75。
  125. 陳啟禎、邱文石、余碧,2004。大豆過敏性蛋白質檢測方法:蛋白質膠體電泳與免疫墨漬法之應用。中畜會誌。33(增刊):77。
  126. 賴欣豐、江嘉純、邱文石、余碧,2004。豬胃動態模擬系統之應用:評估不同蛋白質濃度飼糧消化率之影響。中畜會誌。33(增刊):80。
  127. 巫勝倉、吳本朝、邱文石、余碧,2004。基因轉殖稻米生產植酸酶對肉雞生長性能及血液性狀之影響。中畜會誌。33(增刊):256。
  128. 蔡秀敏、黃鈴詒、邱文石、陳國隆,2005。公雞去勢及注射雄性荷爾蒙對骨骼及相關血液性狀之影響。中畜會誌。34(增刊):192。
  129. 吳錫勳、廖伊慧、余碧、邱文石,2005。飼糧中添加β-聚葡萄糖對哺乳期紐西蘭母兔及其仔兔免疫能力之影響。中畜會誌。34(增刊):213。
  130. 林宛燕、陳世宜、陳國隆、邱文石,2005。飼糧中添加β-聚葡萄糖對產蛋鴨蛋黃中膽固醇含量影響。中畜會誌。34(增刊):225。
  131. 黃東英、陳姿雯、陳勇成、陳國隆、邱文石,2005。飼糧中添加燕麥對產蛋雞蛋黃中膽固醇含量影響。中畜會誌。34(增刊):226。
  132. 游上輝、陳姿雯、陳國隆、邱文石,2005。公雞去勢及注射雄性荷爾蒙對生長屠體性狀及脂質代謝之影響。中畜會誌。34(增刊):228。
  133. 陳姿雯、游上輝、黃東英、陳國隆、邱文石,2005。飼糧中添加取自酵母菌之β-聚葡萄糖對降低雞蛋膽固醇之影響。中畜會誌。34(增刊):229。
  134. 游明惠、邱文石、余碧,2005。嗜酸乳桿菌抵抗畜禽沙門氏菌侵入之抑制能力探討。中畜會誌。35(增刊):242。
  135. Chiou, P.W.S., C.P. Wu, S.Y. Yang and K.L. Chen, 2006. Effects of dietary citric, fumaric acid or sodium bicarbonate inclusion on growth performance and bone characteristics of turkey poult. World’s Poultry Sci. J. (Supp) 337-338. The XII European Poultry Conference, September 10-14, 2006, Verona, Italy.
  136. Yu, B., J.R. Liu and P.W.S. Chiou, 2006. The probiotic characteristics of beta-glucanase transformed Lactobacillus reuteri Pg 4. World’s Poultry Sci. J. (Supp) 546-547. The XII European Poultry Conference, September 10-14, 2006, Verona, Italy.
  137. Chen, K.L., C.K. Yang, W.L. Kho, S.Y. Chen, P.W.S. Chiou, 2006. Effects of dietary barley substitute corn on egg yolk cholesterol in laying hen. Proceeding of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Society. Sept. 18-22, Pusan, Korea.
  138. Wu, H.H., K.L. Chen, B. Yu and P.W.S. Chiou, 2006. Effects of dietary beta-glucan supplementation on performance and immunity of New Zealand white pregnant does and their kits. Proceeding of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Society. Sept. 18-22, Pusan, Korea.
  139. Chen, T.W., S.H. You and P.W.S. Chiou, 2006. Effects of dietary beta-1,3-1,6-glucan on egg yolk cholesterol content in laying hen. Proceeding of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Society. Sept. 18-22, Pusan, Korea.
  140. 陳姿雯、許忠民、謝佳雯、邱文石、陳國隆,2006。不同來源β-聚葡萄糖萃取及理化性狀之比較。中畜會誌。35(增刊):82。
  141. 黃昌達、張家瑜、吳錫勳、余章游、邱文石、陳國隆,2006。混合型益生菌發酵飼料對紐西蘭生長兔生長及屠體性狀之影響。中畜會誌。35(增刊):243。
  142. 陳聖潔、許忠民、楊力達、謝佳雯、邱文石、陳國隆,2006。混合型益生菌發酵飼料對產蛋雞生產及蛋品質之影響。中畜會誌。35(增刊):206。
  143. 張憶如、邱文石、余碧,2006。以in vitro 探討嗜酸乳桿菌吸附能力對出血性大腸桿菌感染Caco-2細胞株之影響。中畜會誌。35(增刊):217。
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